On January 26th, 2010 The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners formally adopted a number of revisions to the County’s Comprehensive Plan which had become known as “The Alachua County Mobility Plan”. This action was the culmination of 3 years of planning by Alachua County Staff that included meetings with citizens, numerous community groups, the private development community and partnering state agencies. This process brought together the community’s vision for linking land use and transportation in ways that hadn’t been previously realized. This innovative plan provided a mechanism whereby developments that met the community’s vision for a denser, mixed-use, transit supportive land use pattern could proceed quickly through the development review process, with much more certainty and significantly lower transportation mitigation requirements than what had been provided for under the previous incarnations of the County’s Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations. Further, the Mobility Plan provided a long range transportation and funding plan for rapid transit on dedicated lanes linking compact, mixed-use developments, known as Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) and Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TNDs) with regional employment, education and entertainment destinations. In this way the County’s land use decisions and capital infrastructure investments could be more effectively linked to promote a sustainable, fiscally responsible community focused on maintaining a high quality of life.