After hearing an ICMA update, we'll welcome our first keynote speaker of the day Jennifer Robinson, Global Government Strategic Advisor, SAS, Town of Cary as she presents "AI: More Friend than Foe."

Description: Governments are embarking on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve productivity, increase services for citizens, and supplement labor shortages. But as governments unleash the power of AI, concerns about safety and security persist. This presentation will provide an explanation of the different types of AI and aspects that help an organization trust AI, experiencing the benefits without a bite.

Following Jennifer's presentation, we will hear from Chris McMasters, Chief Information Officer, City of Corona, CA, as he presents "Can AI Be a Partner in Building Better Government?"

Description: In an era where the buzz around artificial intelligence often blurs the line between reality and speculation, understanding its practical applications, especially in the realm of public service, becomes paramount. Mr. McMasters, Chief Information Officer of Corona, California, takes the stage to demystify the role of AI in transforming local governments with a citizen-centric approach. Under his leadership, Corona has garnered accolades for its innovative strides in leveraging technology to enhance municipal operations and services.

This keynote will delve into real-world examples of AI implementation in government, showcasing how these technologies are not just the prerogatives of tech giants but are accessible and applicable for city governments of any size and resource level. From streamlining bureaucratic processes to enhancing public engagement, the insights shared will illuminate the path for leaders looking to embark on or advance their journey in harnessing AI for public good.

Join Mr. McMasters as he unfolds the blueprint for integrating AI into the fabric of local governance, proving that with the right vision and strategy, technology can indeed be a powerful ally in redefining the interface between the government and its citizens.

Learning Objectives:
Get a primer on AI and Generative AI. (Robinson)
Learn about examples of AI and Generative AI in governments. (Robinson)
Learn the considerations about the safe deployment of AI. (Robinson)

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