Local Government CECH-UP Program

The Missouri Local Government CECH-UP Program was begun in 1996 at the initiation of a group of local government administrators in the St. Louis area, but the program is specifically designed for statewide application. Early partners included the Citizenship Education Clearing House (CECH) at the University of Missouri in St. Louis, University of Missouri Extension, and the St. Louis Area City Managers Association (SLACMA); additional partners have played a critical role in developing and expanding the program. For instance, the Missouri Municipal League has endorsed the program since the beginning and in the summer of 2006 agreed to serve as a statewide partner. Among the responsibilities the Missouri Municipal League will undertake is promoting the program throughout the state. The Missouri Local Government CECH-UP Program is funded by University of Missouri Extension and the Teresa M Fischer Endowment.

The Local Government CECH-UP Program was established in recognition that most of what students are taught in government classes focuses on federal and state government. As a result, students learn little about local government where most of the government decisions that affect citizens’ everyday lives are made. The Program also addressed concerns that few curricular and resource materials are currently available to teach students about local government and that teachers are often not prepared to teach the subject.

The Local Government CECH-UP Program is designed to teach middle school students about local government in Missouri and to involve them in issues confronting their communities. The program also aims to:

  • Bring students into direct contact with local governments and local government officials;
  • Familiarize students with the profession of city management and public administration;
  • Provide opportunities for students to research and discuss problems and challenges facing local government in their communities;
  • Enhance the learning process by having students develop class, small group and individual projects related to some aspect of local government;
  • Provide schools with local government curriculum resources that can be tailored to local government and local issues
  • Foster the development of a Local Government CECH-UP network throughout Missouri; and
  • Strengthen the relationships among local governments, schools, and University of Missouri Extension staff across the state.  

To provide a comprehensive learning experience, the basic format of the Local Government CECH-UP Program focuses on classroom learning with curriculum designed by University of Missouri staff and aligned with the Missouri Show-Me Standards, classroom visits with government officials, site visits to the local city hall or county courthouse, development of a community project, and participation in a project fair. The program is implemented by teams comprised of middle school teachers, University of Missouri Extension Community Development Specialist, and local government officials; teams can modify the basic approach meet the specific needs and circumstances of the community.

The CECH-UP Program materials for students focus on county, municipal, and special purpose governments, as well as specific government operations and how to get involved. A 190-page handbook describes the structures and responsibilities of local governments in Missouri and offers an array of “hands-on” activities to involve students in local government in their own communities. The handbook is supplemented by a website that provides links to local governments and data sources, an interactive test on knowledge of local government, and an email feature that enables students and teachers to direct questions to CECH-UP staff. 

"The preservation of American constitutional democracy depends upon a well-educated citizenry participating actively in public affairs. — National Assessment of Educational Progress

In addition to these materials, teachers are provided with detailed lesson plans and other curriculum materials. The University of Missouri Extension provides training in the use of materials and hosts workshops for participating teachers. The Local Government CECH-UP Program website presents information on how to organize a local CECH-UP Program, links to the home pages of Missouri cities and counties, and other useful information for teachers and others implementing a CECH-UP Program in their community. “Mini-grants” ($500 or less) are available to help interested parties get the program off the ground; funding for these grants is provided by State Farm Insurance.

Contact Information

For more information, see the Missouri CECH-UP website at contact Karen Pippin, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 314-526-6853, pippinK@msx.umsl.edu.