In my years as editor of Public Management (PM) magazine and if memory serves me right, I don’t think the word “Zen” has ever been used in an article title or even in article content. There’s nothing wrong with the word or its meaning, it’s just that no one ever associated it with the management profession, until now. The October issue includes such an article.

I suspect that some managers will roll their eyes when they see Zen in a title. “What’s this magazine coming to?” they might ask and go on to think that they need help with the big, bad, and ugly parts of their positions, not a meditation lesson.

But perhaps these days, some form of self-contemplation with regard to management isn’t such a bad idea. What if Zen principles can be successfully applied to a manager’s position and life? Isn’t that a good thing? Let’s not dismiss something that might help a manager cope with real-life stress. It did for the author who works in the management profession. Will you try it?

The October issue might also be one that will help keep managers grounded and able to deal with the big, bad, and ugly stuff. What manager doesn’t have a transitional time in his or her life, whether it’s job loss, divorce, or death of a family member? This article in the October issue could help managers navigate through transitions.

I particularly liked the Management Minute department articles too. One reminds us that our online e-mails and texts will exist even after we don’t, so we should be mindful of our electronic hereafter. This might sound a bit ridiculous, but if you read the article you’ll find that it’s not.

So relax and read PM magazine!


Beth Payne


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