Facilitated by Mary Jacobs (assistant city manager, Sierra Vista, AZ), five of the authors in Democracy on the Doorstep, Too offered their stories and answered questions from the admiring audience. Here's a flavor of the conversation:


Can women "have it all"?

  • Yes, just maybe not all at the same time. It depends on how you plan to live your life and what balance you seek between your private and public lives. 
  • You can have it all, and why shouldn't you . . . but there's no way possible to do it all by yourself. It takes a support system.
  • Yes, because in my family there are no predisposed gender roles. Only because of my spouse would I say you can have it all.
  • Yes, because it's a compromise--not magic--to achieve a balance, one in which you and your partner have to respect and help each other.

How have you managed to integrate your job and family?

  • Everyone is handling it differently because each of us makes choices about what is important to us. The important thing is to support each other regardless of our choices.
  • When life changes, it needs to be okay to make a decision that's best for you.
  • We have to embrace the unique things that each of us has to offer.

How do you help women (and men) in your office achieve a work-life balance?

  • Demonstrate and model the behavior--by, for example, bringing your children into the office from time to time to instill the value that family has to come first. It's also important for your children to see the work you do.
  • You have to model the behavior you want to establish as your organization's culture.
  • Be a mentor.

Do you get to work your passion? Are you a first (e.g., first female assistant or city manager in your area)? What are your words of wisdom?

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