It is important to look back before we move forward. For the next four weeks I will highlight some of the best resources on the Knowledge Network with “top 5” lists for 2014. These lists will include the top 5 blogs, questions, articles, and documents on the Knowledge Network.
My first is the top 5 blogs of 2014. If you are new to the Knowledge Network and want to post useful and interesting information surrounding local government or read other local government leaders’ postings check out the Knowledge Network’s blog section. Without stalling any further, here are the top 5 blog postings of 2014.
1.) Top 10 Ways to Beautify Your City
2.) Update Your Cell Phone Policy
3.) How to Change the Corporate Culture in Your Unity of Government
4.) Best Practices in Writing RFPs
5.) Big Data is a Big Deal for Local Government
What was your favorite blog post in 2014? What topic would you want to see blogged about in 2015?
Douglas Shontz
ICMA Knowledge Network Intern
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!