The greater Seattle area is known for its commitment to sustainability as well as its creative use of data analytics to create business intelligence.  When you bring those two concepts together, you create smart communities.


This year, the ICMA Annual Conference offers a wide range of topics for participants, but if you’re interested in learning about bringing sustainability and data together in your community, we’d like to recommend an ICMA University Workshop being offered on Saturday before the conference starts. 


Smart Cities Readiness Workshop

Saturday, Sept. 26, 1-4:30 p.m.

Join expert presenters from the Smart Cities Council to gain a full understanding of what makes up a smart city and the benefits it can deliver to governments and residents. See the cross-cutting conceptual framework that spans all departments. Learn the 17 universal principles that should underlie any smart city project in any department. And get started on a prioritized action plan for your own city. Participants will receive an electronic copy of the Smart Cities Readiness Guide, the world's foremost compendium of smart city principles, best practices and case studies.


Speakers:  Jesse Berst, Chairman, Smart Cities Council
                  Dr. Mani Vadari, Director Smart Cities Sector Services, Smart Cities Council


To learn more about this ICMA University Workshop and others, click here.  Registration for all ICMA University Workshops can be made through the general ICMA registration here.


(Note:  This article first appeared as part of the ICMA Annual Conference blog.)

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!