ICMA Renewed Affiliation Agreement with IHN.

During the ICMA Executive Board meeting in Phoenix, the leadership of the International Hispanic Network (IHN) and ICMA signed a new three-year affiliation agreement. The two organizations have been linked through formal agreements since 1991. The focus for activity in this most recent renewal will be mutual membership development, collaboration on each other’s annual conferences, and ensuring IHN participation in the regional nominating committee process beginning in 2013.


Leadership ICMA Graduates

Congratulations go to 16 members of the graduating class of Leadership ICMA who received certificates at Sunday's graduation ceremony for completing the 24-month leadership program: Todd Aerni, Chief Building Officer, Papillion, NE; Tanya Ange, ACM, Mankato, MN; Leigh Byford, Building Consultant, Austin, TX; Adam Chapdelaine, TM, Arlington, MA; Rolando Fernandez, Assistant Director, Contract Management Dept., Austin, TX; Eugene Hoppe IV, Assistant to the CM, Richardson, TX; Christopher Lagerbloom, CM, Milton, GA; Marc Landry, CAO, Beaumont, Alberta, Canada; A. Dele Lowman-Smith, Assistant to the CoM, Fulton Co., GA; Yvonne Murray, Director of Economic Development, Regional Planning Commussion, Birmingham, AL; Alison Ortowski,Assistant to the CM, Southlake, TX; Meredith Roark, Assistant to the CM, Decatur, Ga; R. Ron Ruthven, Director of Community Development, Colleyville, TX; Nelsie Smith, Paylock IPT, LLC, Decatur, IL; Rona Stringfellow, Director of Development Services, Lancaster, TX; and Cathy Vollbrecht, Director of Communications., Stafford County, VA.


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!