From the time we are very young children, we are told stories to help us better understand the world around us.  As we grow older, however, the subjects we need to understand become increasing complex.  For many local government challenges and projects, the sheer volume of data to absorb and grasp makes it difficult for citizens and policy makers to wrap their heads about what the true impact is.

StoryMaps, developed by ICMA’s long-time Strategic Partner Esri, help merge data with narrative to help citizens apprehend the true nature of projects.  From a sustainability standpoint, the greater knowledge people have on a subject, the better their ability to make informed decisions. 

Consider a city council trying to determine if they should invest in solar technology in order to reduce the community’s long-term energy costs.  Such technology represents a significant investment, and council members are likely to have questions about where such technology is being used successfully, what are trends in the field, and what types of arrangements – purchase, leasing, etc. --- can be made for installation.  Rather than produce a simple list of sites across the country or a black and white table with lots of numbers, a StoryMap provides interactive maps and other media such as videos to help council members quickly understand why they should or shouldn’t make an investment.

To learn more about the power of StoryMaps, click here.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!