Some of the activities undertaken this week

1. visit one of the consultants or contractors who designed apartment located in District 4 in the town of Middleton. This activity was accompanied by Mr. Jimm which is one member of the council of the district 4.
we exchange ideas about how to build an apartment, a deal with the local government and also how marketing systems and facilities in it.
This is useful for our visit because it can recommend to the Government, the private sector and other relevant sectors.


2. Visit EPIC

EPIC is an agency that provides training on the insurance system to all those who would establish an insurance system to people who are members of the insurance. approximately 8000 people from different countries participate in this training and is expected for next year about 10,000 people.

it is conceivable that as many people as it can provide benefits in various sectors. Let's say that the tourism sector can benefit greatly from the people who live in apartments around the city of Verona and Middleton. Surely their daily needs will affect local revenues where they live.
This is a useful visit to Timor-Leste to the future of the insurance system has not been implemented there.



3. Planning Commission

This activity is done at City Hall, where the planning commission submitted several proposals to the City Council for approval. But what's interesting here is that all of the proposals in committee meetings open to the public.




And before it was approved by the City Council, the Chair opened the public opinion for all present to comment on the proposal. So here appears to the development of democracy and transparency that will be implemented in the city of middleton.


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