With all that is happening on the Hill with sequestration, cyber security, immigration and the tax exempt status of municipal bonds—all very important items for us and ICMA to follow and influence—let’s not forget what we do have more direct control over.  Greg Baumann, editor of the Silicon Valley Business Journal, recently authored a piece that should resonate for all local communities.[1]  Local government managers and the elected officials we serve, like good business people, would rather sell premium products at premium prices.  Offering subsidies when trying to lure businesses to generate future revenue has diminishing returns.  It’s always a better business principle to build and "sell" your brand than to discount your "product."  In this challenging time of local government management, perhaps more than ever before, it's time to make the most of what your community has to offer and how it can be better leveraged.  For example, in Fremont, CA, we have launched pioneering efforts to build our brand of a diverse, highly-educated population with leading efforts in research and advanced manufacturing, using:  innovative social media efforts, hiring a strategic communications firm (i.e., PR agency), offering “concierge services” to key development opportunities and aggressively selling the concept that Fremont is a local government that works (businesses value consistency).  So while we work together on the state and federal issues that affect us all, let’s also take solace that according to Gallup 74% of citizens express a great deal or fair amount of trust in local government (far above other levels  of government!).[2]  Let’s market whatever “it” is for our communities.  



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