Very often we take for granted the easy accessibility of energy in our daily life. When it is dark, we switch on the light; when cars run low on gasoline, we fill up the tank; when hungry, we simply turn on the oven or open the fridge. What if, however, one day energy is no longer adequately available to make life that easy, as is already the case in parts of the world. ICMA has many resources that can help you determine policies and best practices for energy efficiency in your jurisdiction:
- An event initiated by USAID to promote energy efficiency and integrated waste management was hosted on Batumi Boulevard in Batumi, Georgia. ICMA joined the initiative along with its local partner, CENN, in Georgia.
- The Energy Efficiency Standardization Coordination Collaborative (EESCC) of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published a Standardization Roadmap for energy efficiency in the built environment. U.S. industry, government, and standards-developing organizations (SDOs) can refer to this roadmap for greater energy efficiency capabilities.
- Energy efficiency can not only reduce energy demand but also help reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The Energy Efficiency in Local Government Operations provides a guide to developing and implementing greenhouse gas reduction programs. It also includes fun facts and figures about local governments’ efforts to promote and achieve energy efficiency.
- The ICMA China Center hosted 20 Chinese government officials for an intensive study tour and training seminar with the theme of “Working Towards Energy Conversation and Urban Sustainable Development.”
- ICMA and the ENERGY STAR program provided a webinar to ICMA members on EPA’s ENERGY STAR resources and how they have been used in Kansas City, Missouri, to support internal and external energy efficiency.
- You are also welcome to join the Knowledge Network’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Group to post questions and share your thoughts.
- In the Knowledge Network, you’ll find numerous examples of successful implementation of energy efficiency policies:
- City of Rosenberg, Texas: Aging water meters that become inaccurate or unable to record the water flow are a source of water waste. Rosenberg took advantage of the latest technology of Neptune Technologies and financial support from Siemens to replace the water meters.
- City of Rolla, Missouri: Siemens is also involved in the city of Rolla’s efforts to make city-wide energy efficiency improvements that would help reduce annual utility costs.
- City of Columbia, Missouri: Learn more about Columbia’s solar and sustainability programs in this ICMA podcast.
Would you like to get more information related to energy efficiency? What are your stories for saving energy? We welcome your comments below.
Yalan Qin
Knowledge Network, Intern
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