I knew we had made the right decision to help ICMA celebrate its 100th anniversary with a special issue of Public Management (PM) magazine when the articles started to arrive. They were so much fun and interesting to read!
Michele Frisby, guest editor of the September issue and ICMA’s director of public information, and I—both long-time ICMA staff members—put mind and soul into the issue. With so much compelling information to share, where should we start and what should we include that would interest members who might not be history buffs? ICMA’s 100th Anniversary Task Force provided valuable assistance in selecting the final contents.
Looking ahead, millennial Teresa Taylor, assistant to the city manager, Chamblee, Georgia, says this about ICMA’s future: “Overall, ICMA will need to adapt and rise to the occasion to support whatever new challenges are sure to exist in the future, just as it has done with the millennials of today.” It appears that ICMA is headed in the right direction.
On a sad note, I want to let you know that former ICMA staff member David Arnold, who wrote an article on the executive directors he had worked with from 1949 to 1985, and was consulted until the issue’s press time, passed away on August 8. Some members might remember Dave because during his ICMA career, he served as editor of Public Management, The Municipal Year Book, and the Green Books.
Needless to say, we are pleased with the results of this issue and hope you will read all the articles and learn something about ICMA and its commitment to professional local government management that you didn’t know before now.
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