PM has pushed outside its comfort zone and published a theme-based issue in November. This is only the third time in the past two and a half years (and 28 issues) that a one-topic issue has been published.
The subject: economic development. Guest editors—also article contributors—are Chuck Abernathy, county manager, McDowell County, North Carolina, and Patricia Mitchell, former county manager, and now assistant secretary, North Carolina Department of Commerce, Rural Development Division, Raleigh.
It was great working with them again. Their first published article—the cover story on economic development in November 2013—was extremely popular. We felt the time was right for a redo. But this time an entire issue with a variety of articles is the result.
With their help, articles range from a large picture view of economic development to a mid-size city that has experienced redevelopment to main street development to university partnerships with local governments, and to shared business parks. Even the On Point department asks managers about their favorite economic development-related experiences.
The little-known New Markets Tax Credit Program is explained, and a city in Kansas used an innovative financing approach to revitalize a failed housing development. All valuable information.
Because economic development is important to local government vitality, PM will continue to include articles on the topic during 2015. If you have an opinion on what type of articles they should be or want to write an article for publication, don’t hesitate to contact me directly at bpayne@icma.org.
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