This Monthly Rundown is a collection of #LocalGov highlights from the month of August. Consider it a friendly reminder of the content you might need to catch up on from ICMA.
PM Article: Strategic Thinking. Local governments are becoming more strategic than ever before. They’ve had to. The steady increase of unfunded mandates, taxing limitations, and costs of capital have left managers and staff members with fewer resources and greater demands.
Ethics Advice for Members in New ICMA E-Book. When the question is ethics, ICMA has answers. Can I accept that invitation to a candidate “forum”? Can I “like” that local government vendor on Facebook? Should I report suspected unethical conduct by one of my colleagues? How can I engage staff and employees in building and sustaining an ethical culture? ICMA members and other local government professionals turn to ICMA with questions like these to keep themselves and their employees on the straight and narrow.
Four Steps to Improving Your Organization's Performance Review Process. The performance review process is an important part of managing a workforce; however, local governments can have a process that needs to be updated.
Podcast: Bertha Henry. As a local government leader, Bertha Henry balances community needs with available resources.
Member Spotlight: Alex Henderson, ICMA-CM. City manager of Kingsburg, California, Alex Henderson shares the challenges he faced when beginning his career in local government and talks about what excites him about the evolving nature of the profession.
For more updates on the latest news about local government, subscribe to the ICMA Blog and watch this space for more blog summaries.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!