You’ve heard about the most recent exchange trip between Durban and Dar es Salaam but did you know their partnership was actually initiated almost a year and a half ago? This is, in part, thanks to the efforts of Engineer Mussa B. Natty, Director of Kinondoni Municipal Council (KMC).
Kinondoni is the largest of Dar es Salaam’s three municipalities, with a population of close to 1.8 million inhabitants. As Director of KMC, Natty leads a group of about 8500 employees responsible for the provision of all basic services including health, education, water, local roads, and drainage. Other functions include urban planning, environment, solid waste management, natural resources, community development, social welfare, sports, and culture. KMC manages markets, bus terminals, and assorted investments.
In addition to his work with CityLinks, Natty has been involved in the establishment, development, and design of several other climate change adaptation related activities in Dar es Salaam. These include construction of coastal defense structures, relocation of flood victims, and mangrove restoration. He is also actively participating in the development of the current 2012 - 2032 Dar es Salaam Master Plan and is a board member of the Institute for Environment, Climate and Development Sustainability (IEDS).
Because of his passion for and experience in climate change adaptation projects, it should come as no surprise that Natty is an avid supporter of the Durban Adaptation Charter. It was through his interest in the DAC that Dar es Salaam came to work with Durban to confront the climate change adaptation challenges they both face. Through their work together, Durban and Dar es Salaam have created a regional hub that will facilitate further implementation of the DAC.
As we move into year four of the CityLinks program, our team is excited to continue working with Tanzanian signatories of the DAC as they strive to gain a better understanding of what climate projections will mean for their communities and how they will need to adapt to ensure efficient service delivery to their citizens.
To learn more about the Durban Adaptation Charter, visit their website. Please visit the CityLinks site for information about other projects implemented around the world.
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