The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the days are beginning to get longer, and you and everyone else in your community is getting ready to enjoy the outdoors in the coming spring and summer months.  One fun way to celebrate the warmer weather is to take a fun bike ride through the community or even start commuting and running errands by bike! We all know there are many benefits to biking both personally and to the community but not every community makes it easy to realize these benefits. Building a bike friendly community takes time and can mean infrastructure changes like adding bike baths, building bike lanes, bike carrels, and more but these resources will show you that with a little planning there is a lot you can do to create a more bike-friendly community this spring! 
  • Visit the bikeways and cycling topic pages to see all of the latest documents, articles, blog posts, questions and more related to biking that are being added to the Knowledge Network every day!
  • Already have bike lanes and paths and are looking to do something more? How about creating a bike sharing program like the ones already successful in Ney York, Chicago, and Washington DC. Learn about some smaller bike sharing programs from this previously asked question.
  • Tips for creating effective bike paths that will be used by bikers and respected by drivers in your community can be found in the blog post “Bike Paths in Your Community.”
  • Bedminster Township Hike and Bikeway: A Success Story” is an excellent case study that shows how transformative bike paths can be and how they were able to use private and community support to complete their project.
  • Learn what are the critical elements in creating a successful urban bikeway system in your community in “Cycling Towards a Sustainable Future: A Plan for the Implementation of Bicycle Networks in Springfield.”
  • In addition to bikeways it is important to remember that cyclists will need bike racks at the end of their paths so they can use the bikeways to run errands or get to work. Check out “Roseville’s Bicycle Rack Guide” for everything you need to know about planning racks and shelter along your bike paths.

If your community has already created bike paths, bike lanes or implemented a system of bike racks then please add your documents to the Knowledge Network so others can learn from your example and take the first step in becoming bike friendly communities.


Robin Saywitz

ICMA Knowledge Network Intern

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A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!