This post will point you to articles on leadership, management, career stage advice, and more.


Advice From a Marine: 3 Questions All Leaders Should Ask Themselves

From Government Executive, written by Raphael Hernandez

"Why were we successful? We were successful because leaders embraced the idea of transparency and then acted on it. Inspired by asking themselves: What do I know? Who needs to know it? Have I told them yet?"

Management Vs. Leadership: Five Ways They Are Different

From Forbes, written by Liz Ryan

"Here are five enormous differences between managers and leaders. If you hold a leadership role now or aspire to do so in the future, think about steps you can take in each of these areas."

Can Three Words Turn Anxiety Into Success?

From the Atlantic, written by Olga Khazan

"Don’t mind me, I’m just trying out a cognitive trick that’s supposed to help with anxiety. It’s called “anxiety reappraisal,” and it boils down to telling yourself that you feel excited whenever you feel nervous. It sounds stupidly simple, but it's proven effective in a variety of studies and settings."

Jan Perkins Explains Her Story and Career Resiliency in Local Government

from leadership {RE}Imagined, written by Samantha Ferrigno

"Throughout my career, whenever I saw an opportunity to take on something new, regardless of whether I knew anything about it or not, I did. Not only did it invariably turn out to be interesting, I learned, stretched myself, got to know new people and built my confidence."

are you a leader or a manager in your local government?

from Leadership {RE}Imagined, written by Gerald Newfarmer

"Most people who head an organization – whether it’s a public-works department, a city government or a county agency – probably consider themselves either a born leader or a natural manager. Even though most people lean in one distinct direction, the success of any organization depends on competence in both roles at the top. Managing and leading require different skill sets and mindsets. Knowing the difference, and striving to improve in both roles, will help your own personal performance and that of your organization."  


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!