The City of Encinitas is empowering citizens to provide their input - online - about where housing should go, what it should look like, and in what quantities. Updating the City's Housing Plan invites residents to match housing types with neighborhoods and build their preferred strategy for meeting the City's housing goals.
We delivered, creating an exercise that allows citizens in Encinitas to:
1 - Choose an opportunity site where potential housing units could be accommodated - Citizens simply selected a site on a map of their community.
2 - Choose a housing type for that opportunity site - Citizen selected from among 2 to 4 housing types that determined the type of development they thought would be most appropriate on that site using images and descriptions of housing typologies.
3 - Choose a minimum number of housing units to complete the exercise - As citizens selected opportunity sites and housing typologies, a thermometer on the screen let them know how close they were to reaching the required number of units. Once a citizen reached a minimum number, they were able to complete the exercise.
Take a closer look at the Housing Exercise in Encinitas.
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