I’m currently serving as a guest lecturer at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, teaching a three-week summer session. ICMA members Lyle Wray and Rich Kerbel are also participating. The program is arranged by the ICMA China Center. Here is a report of the first few days.
My flight to Beijing from Chicago via Shanghai was 14 hours nonstop. The weather here is hot and humid much like Florida in the summer. I stayed two nights at the Shanghai Hilton located in what is called the French Concession area, where there were beautiful 1950’s era villa, shade-tree lined streets, many restaurants, high and low end small retail stores. I retained a local woman to navigate the subway system, guide and translate on a tour of Shanghai attractions. We visited a museum and a large Buddhist temple among other places.
Sunday, we had an orientation meeting and a tour of the campus with Jason Lu, Assistant Dean of CUPL’s School of Politics & Public Administration. I revised the syllabus, changed from the first draft after I learned the students will not be as fluent in English reading, writing and speaking as earlier presumed. I scratched material which I feared would be too intimidating.
Each of us has been assigned two student teaching assistants to translate and otherwise help with printing copies of class material, shopping, etc. All are young women, except one male graduate student. The school hosted a wonderful dinner with a diverse array of Chinese food on the night before class sessions began July 14th.
Living expense is comparatively less expensive here than my home in Northwest Indiana. I bought a Chinese cell phone with prepaid minutes for $30 RMD, two pair of lightweight slacks for $50 RMD. My ¼ share of dinner and beer one night was $100 Yuan.
Lyle, Rich, and I joined 3 other guest lecturers: Sieglinde Rosenberger (Professor of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria); Mark Poustie, Professor of International Environmental Law, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom; and Pichamon Yeophantong, Professor of Global Governance, Nanyang Technological University in Thailand, which is affiliated with Princeton University. Tonight, Lily Luo hosted a dinner for us and two ICMA China Center student volunteer workers at the Auspicious Business Hotel. It was a gourmet array of Chinese food, including the famous Peking Duck. Here’s a photo of Lily with me and members of my public management class.
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