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Key to the success of a city manager is having a loyal, well-trained team of employees. Developing those employees at every career stage is paramount to keeping them engaged and productive. Staff development begins with a clear understanding of the needs and expectations of the community and when done properly, can lead to a sincere desire for self-improvement and team cultivation.

Central to building a team of star employees is having a strong system composed of benefits/rewards, values on performance, and work satisfaction. Furthermore, it is vital for a city to have a proper plan for retaining and engaging long-term employees – this leads to the overall creation of a high performance organization.

Beginning this process can be daunting, but there are three questions that can assist in the hiring process:

1)    Is this person a good fit for our organization?

2)    Do their values match our organization?

3)    Will they progress to be a promotable candidate in the future?

For more on staff development, join Sam Gaston (former ICMA president) on January 13, who will delve into these questions and discuss his own experiences with this process during his time at the city of Mountain Brook, Alabama.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!