CityLinks has been working with cities around the world to look at how climate change will impact the way local governments deliver services. In addition to the adaptation measures taken around infrastructure, land use planning, and water management, communities are now beginning to grapple with the public health implications of climate change.
As CityLinks moves into its fourth year of implementation, we are beginning to assess what steps local governments can take to reduce the public health risks associated with future climate projections. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is already beginning to see changing public health risks as a result of climate change. Rains have intensified in the city resulting in increased flooding. Without a sufficient drainage network to take on frequent and intense rains, standing water creates prime environments for water-borne diseases. The Inter-Press Service News Agency reported on the floods this year and the impacts they had some of Dar es Salaam’s most vulnerable communities.
The CityLinks team is also paying special attention to how those living in informal settlements will be affected by climate change. Those migrating from rural areas into urban cores are putting additional strain on local governments working with limited funds and human resources. The CityLinks team saw this first hand in Kinondoni Municipality in Dar es Salaam. As CityLinks plans for our next year of activities we will also be looking at how to encourage resiliency in the midst of informality. A recent publication by The African Center for Cities looking at a framework for working with informality showcases the challenges African cities face in light of climate change.
The CityLinks team is excited to be planning for next year and welcomes input from our partners. We look forward to hearing from you!
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