by Andre Medina, ICMA web designer
After more than a year of development, the new ICMA.org website is here. It’s definitely a change from our former website and that’s because it’s based on the latest technology to help deliver content more efficiently.
Here is a list of the top 15 things you need to know about the new ICMA.org:
- Responsive Design. Our previous website didn’t function well on mobile devices. The new website is designed to work on all devices and screens.
- Search. A major goal of the new site was to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. In the top right corner, click on the magnifying glass to search. We’ve also included some of our most popular search terms as quick links.
- Mega Menus. The new mega menus help make items easier to find. These menus were designed using website traffic data, test user feedback, and market trends to include commonly accessed pages.
- Redesigned Homepage. The homepage is the one-stop-shop to access the latest member spotlight, local government news and trends, and our most comprehensive content — from how to advance your career, to information about our global work and ICMA publications.
- Topic Areas. To help you find the information you’re looking for more quickly, the website's 10,000 resources are organized under 71 topics within 11 topic categories on local government.
- Knowledge Network. Wondering what happened to the Knowledge Network? Don’t worry. All of the great features that were once part of the Knowledge Network have been integrated into ICMA.org. Visit the topic areas to ask and answer questions, submit a document, and read blog posts, documents, events, and articles organized by topic. Visit the Member Center to access groups (now a members-only feature) and the Who’s Who local government directory.
- Member Center. The new Member Center is the place for current and future members to learn how to make the most of being a member, to learn about career advancement, and to explore the ICMA ethics program. You can also connect with other members with our Who’s Who directory.
- Career Development. ICMA University, Job Center, Credentialing, and Coaching programs are all featured in the Career Development section of the website.
- Job Center. This is the place to go if you’re searching for a job or recruiting to fill a job. We made it easier to find your perfect job with an interactive map and filtered search options.
- Partner with ICMA. We welcome mutually beneficial partnerships with private-sector and donor organizations, educational institutions, media, and state/local government management associations. Learn more about these different partnerships and about our global programs in this section.
- News. Check out the news listings to stay on top of what is happening in the profession. You can filter news listing by date, topic, and article type (article, press release, PM magazine article, member news, member spotlight, and blog post).
- Events. View upcoming events and learn about past events, including the ICMA Annual Conference, webinars, meetings/summits, certificate programs, ICMA University workshops/courses, and other events.
- ICMA blog. The blog will be a mix of stories and news covering topics for local government leaders. If you’d like to share your story, insights, or best practices, submit a blog post for ICMA staff to review and publish.
- My ICMA. After you sign in, you can update your profile, communication preferences, password, and more.
- Under the Hood. ICMA’s new website utilizes the Drupal Content Management System (CMS), a flexible, reliable, and secure CMS. It replaces an outdated technology that could no longer be supported.
We’d like to hear from you! This is a massive website with over 25,000 pieces of content so some sections, features, and functionality are still under development. Share your thoughts, opinions, and concerns through the feedback form on each web page. A special thanks go to the ICMA Digital Strategies Advisory Board, whose members provided feedback and direction along the way.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!