We had a celebration dinner with our students, about 40 of us at a special countryside place where we had roast lamb. This dinner involved toasting once again, standing up and walking around to recognize and thank each other.

Just like the last time I dined with students, after dinner games and singing followed the meal. First came a number guessing game. Then a pointing game that resulted in someone having to sing. Dave delighted us all with the theme from RAWHIDE and one of the students sang John Denver’s COUNTRY ROADS. There were pop songs as well, and several sing-alongs by the entire table.

My advice for anyone else planning to visit and teach here is to have at least one song ready to perform. You will be asked to sing. There is something delightfully nostalgic about people making that kind of entertainment for each other.

I teach my final class on Friday. On Thursday we heard about municipal debt, the one-child policy (which everyone seems sure will become a two-child option for couples who have no siblings themselves), corruption at a publishing office, how to regulate rumors and untruths on the internet, and what to do about itinerant cart vendors.

Next we three ICMA teachers travel to the City of Zibo to meet with government officials there.

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