As the communications and marketing manager for ICMA’s international programs, I’m excited to see years of careful groundwork pay off as professionals from ten countries gather in Yangzhou, China, for the first ICMA International Regional Summit, May 11-15. The summit’s theme, “Eco-Friendly Urbanization,” is particularly timely. It reflects the challenges of sustainable development in a rapidly urbanizing world—a critical priority for China, the United States, and other participating countries.

Sponsored by ICMA, the City of Yangzhou, and the ICMA China Center, the summit will bring together local government professionals from ICMA and its international affiliate organizations as well as Chinese local, provincial, and state leaders, urbanization experts, and university professors.

ICMA started building mutually beneficial relationships with Chinese institutions and individuals about a decade ago, and members have supported these initiatives. At the summit, they’ll be involved as workshop presenters, guest lecturers, and “EcoPartners” with Chinese towns. And the ICMA International Committee has scheduled its spring meeting in conjunction with the summit.

Early arrivals have an opportunity to participate in a pre-summit study tour to historical and cultural sites around Beijing starting May 7. And I’m hoping they’ll contribute to “International Dispatches” to share insights and photos with those of us “back home”!

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