Beat Your Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets - Take the ENERGY STAR Challenge

Nearly 700 cities and hundreds of counties have committed to enact policies and programs to meet or beat the greenhouse gas emission reduction target suggested for the United States in the Kyoto Protocol--at least a 7% reduction from 1990 levels by 2012.  To hit those targets, commercial and industrial buildings whose energy use is responsible for nearly 50 percent of our national emissions of greenhouse gases, can be a fast lane for major energy consumption cuts. 

The EPA reports that if the energy efficiency of U.S. Buildings improved by only 10 percent, Americans would save about $20 billion and reduce greenhouse gases equal to the emissions from about 30 million vehicles. Local government leaders looking for proven energy management strategies and no-cost tools to help achieve these goals can join the ENERGY STAR CHALLENGE For example, the Challenge “Toolkit” includes a menu of complimentary technical, management, and financial support tools, along with materials to help educate residents, businesses and congregations about energy efficiency. In addition, the online benchmarking tool Portfolio Manager is designed to help local governments to track and measure the energy use and associated energy costs and carbon emissions in all buildings. Sign up as an ENERGY STAR Challenge participant and access Portfolio Manager and the Challenge toolkit at

Here are five low cost ideas that can be put into practice in office buildings quickly that will result in significant energy cuts:

·        Enable the power management function on all office computers which puts monitors to sleep     when not in use.

·        Clear areas in front of vents of furniture, boxes, etc.,

·        Turn off the lights in rooms that are not occupied or where daylight is adequate

·        Turn off printers, faxes and copiers when not in use

·        Swap out incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents

To learn about innovative local government energy efficiency practices and the resulting financial savings, visit the October issue of PM Magazine at

Save the date! ICMA’s webcast on energy savings through benchmarking and ENERGY STAR’s Portforlio Manager will take place on November 15, 2007, from 2:00-3:30 pm (edt).