A Special Thanks to the 2015 Supporters and Friends of the Fund for Professional Management and Life, Well Run

ICMA would like to express its gratitude to the individuals and organizations listed in this special report for supporting the local government management profession by becoming ICMA donors. Their financial support of the Fund for Professional Management, Life, Well Run, or both, has helped strengthen local communities everywhere by promoting and preserving the profession.

Because of contributors’ generosity, the Fund for Professional Management was able to continue its mission of aiding local community groups in their efforts to preserve or create professional management positions, while Life, Well Run was able to continue to spread the word about the value of the profession to key audiences.

ICMA is honored by the generosity and commitment of all of the donors.


Memorial Gifts

The Hansell Fund (In memory of William H. Hansell, Jr.)

Edwin C. Daley

Kevin M. Flannery

Monica Jordan

Baldev S. Josan

Andrew J. McCown

Denise M. Rose

C. Seth Sumner


In Memory of John Bibber

Kathleen Jenks Harm


In Memory of Mignon Bowers

Alabama City/County Management Association


In Memory of Nancy Galkowski

John D. Petrin


In Memory of Gary Stenhouse

Kathleen Jenks Harm


Tribute Gifts

In Tribute to Les Allen

Illinois City/County Management Association


In Tribute to James M. Bourey



In Tribute to David M. Campbell



In Tribute to Gerald L. Clausen



In Tribute to Martin J. Corcoran



In Tribute to Michael Cornell



In Tribute to John W. Downs

Illinois City/County Management Association


In Tribute to John A. Elsesser



In Tribute to Kate P. Fitzpatrick



In Tribute to Gregory B. Horn



In Tribute to Michael K. McGovern



In Tribute to Gary O’Rourke

Illinois City/County Management Association


In Tribute to Andy Pederson

Daryl J. Delabbio


In Tribute to Stephen G. Riley



In Tribute to John L. Salomone



In Tribute to Maureen Valente

Richard T. Reed


In Tribute to Donna S. VanderClock



In Tribute to Joseph W. Yarbrough



Individual Donors


Peggy Merriss*


$1,000 to $4,999

James A. Bennett*

Bernice T. Duletski

R. Michael Eastland*

Shannon Flanagan-Watson*

Rita L. Geldert*

Robert S. LaSala*

David M. Limardi*

Donald F. McIntyre

Thomas Muehlenbeck*

Gerald E. Newfarmer*

Robert J. O’Neill, Jr.*

Paul A. Steinbrenner

Heidi Ann Wachter*


$500 to $999

Larry J. Brown

Ron Carlee*

Michael A. Conduff*

Edwin C. Daley*

Karen L. Davis*

Milton R. Dohoney, Jr.*

Lee Feldman*

George D. Forbes

Elizabeth Fretwell*

Ted A. Gaebler

Sam S. Gaston*

Dennis J. Gehrt

Scott A. Hancock*

Kathleen Jenks Harm

James G. Jayne

James Robert Keene, Jr.*

John Kross*

Tom Lundy*

Keith F. Mulrooney

Kenneth W. Parker*

Kathleen B. Sexton*

Bonnie Svrcek*

Amanda Thompson

Carl F. Valente*

Michael W. Walker


$100 to $499

Abimbola A. Akande*

Michael S. Allison

David S. Anderson*

Gordon R. Anderson

Jill Anderson*

Tanya A. Ange*

Pamela Weaver Antil

John P. Applegate

Stephen A. Arbo*

Larry N. Arft*

Jesus Armas

Barbara J. Avard

Carlos P. Baia*

Sheryl D. Bailey*

William R. Balling*

Katherine L. Barrett

Walter O. Barry*

Linda M. Barton*

Lawrence D. Bashe*

Douglas O. Bean

Marilynne M. Beard

Frank Bednarek*

Lynn P. Behrns

Teodoro J. Benavides*

Frank I. Benest*

Martha J. Bennett

Ralph E. Bentley

James P. Berzina*

Gregory J. Bielawski*

David Biggs*

Russell Blackburn

Kenneth R. Blackman*

Michael S. Blau

Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr.

Marshall W. Bond*

Ronald C. Bowman*

Stribling P. Boynton*

Jane S. Brautigam*

Tanisha R. Briley*

T.C. Broadnax

Thomas E. Brobeil

John B. Brown, Jr.

Linda NS Brown*

Troy S. Brown*

Stephen W. Bryant*

William P. Buchanan

Reagan Burkholder

Larry D. Burks*

Thomas M. Butch

Lawrence Jeff Butzlaff

Randall D. Byrne*

Gary M. Cannon

Patrick A. Cannon

Angela Carrier

Steven C. Carter

Curtis L. Carver

Mike Casey

John J. Caulfield*

Donald R. Cawby*

Jane A. Chambers*

Bruce E. Channing

Sterling B. Cheatham*

R. Leon Churchill, Jr.*

Gerald L. Clausen*

Greg Clifton*

Susan M. Cluse

John M. Coakley*

Charles W. Coates

Duane R. Cole

Christopher T. Coleman*

David Collinsworth*

John F. Connet*

E. Yvonne Coon*

Larry R. Coons*

Ray E. Corpuz, Jr.*

Ricardo T. Cortes*

Jay B. Covington

Samuel L. Coxson*

Norton W. Craig*

Peter J. Crichton*

Charles J. Cristello*

Steven S. Crowell, Jr.

Francis J. Culross, Jr.

Drew Cummings*

Larry J. Cunningham*

Peter M. Curry

J. Scott Darrington*

Homer T. Dearmin

Daryl J. Delabbio*

Walter L. Denton

Paul R. Deschaine

David J. Deutsch

Vince DiPiazza

Edward R. Driggers*

Lydia E. Du Borg

Charles M. Duggan, Jr.*

Kevin C. Duggan*

Joellen Cademartori Earl

Pamela S. Easter*

William H. Edgar

Candice J. Edmondson*

Frank P. Edmunds*

Lee C. Erdmann

Michael A. Ericson

Ron R. Fehr*

Gregory C. Fehrenbach

Veronica A. Ferguson*

Debra J. Figone*

Patricia A. Finnigan

Luke W. Fischer*

Alan M. Fisher

James Fisher

John L. Fitzwater*

Kevin M. Flannery*

Rebecca L. Fleury*

Michael A. Flynn*

Ellen S. Foreman*

Randi Frank*

Robert D. Franz*

Thomas J. Fromme*

Matthew Fulton*

Timothy J. Gagen*

Robert T. Gaiotti

Karen S. Gallivan

David R. Garcia*

Anton S. Gardner*

Charmelle Garrett

Michael Garvey*

Kenneth B. Geathers, Jr.*

Marian T. Gibson*

James K. Giese*

George D. Goodman

Anthony H. Griffin*

Bruce T. Haddock

Miles B. Hadley

Douglas A. Haines*

James M. Halasz*

Peter Hames*

Jack S. Hamlett*

G. William Hammon, Jr.*

Douglass D. Hanley*

Timothy C. Hansley*

David J. Harris*

Dewey Harris*

Bob Hart, CM

Charles T. Henry

W. Brian Hiatt*

Steven W. Hicks*

Richard J. Hierstein

Scott E. Hildebran*

Jon D. Hohenstein*

Tom Homan*

Molly Hood*

William B. Horne II*

Leland J. Horner

Richard H. Huckaby*

Gary A. Huff*

Marc G. Hummel*

Brian P. Humphress*

Michael Hutchinson*

Michael W. Huse

Greg Ingham*

Mark Israelson

Mary E. Jacobs

Terrell Jacobs*

Kay W. James*

David M. Jinkens

Brian L. Johnson

Daniel A. Johnson*

Dwight D. Johnson

Richard W. Johnson*

William E. Johnson III

Cynthia D. Johnson-Reents

Diane Jones*

Roger Jordan*

Baldev S. Josan*

David Junger

Kathy S. Katz

Gregory W. Kelly*

Linda Kelly*

Richard Kelton*

Roger L. Kemp*

Dennis M. Kissinger*

Melvin A. Kleckner

Daniel A. Kleman

Craig Kocian*

Edward B. Koryzno, Jr.*

Steven Kroeger*

Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt

Phillip K. Kushlan*

Douglas N. La Bellew

Scot F. Lahrmer*

Jack Lam*

Steven L. Ledoux*

Robert E. Lee*

Kim McAdams Lenoir*

Mark M. Levin

Mrs. Jesse K. Lightle*

J. William Little*

Lewis R. Loebe, Jr.*

Layne P. Long

Craig Lonon

Ann Mahoney*

Craig Malin

James J. Malloy*

Samuel D. Mamet*

John G. Manahan*

Jennifer R. March-Wackers

Lynn H. Markland*

Thomas M. Markus*

James G. Marshall

Ronald F. Massey

Michael E. Matthes

Barbara Burns Matthews*

Milton W. Matthews

Thomas G. Mauk*

Adam Maxwell*

Kelly R. McAdoo

Patrick McDermott

Robert D. McEvoy*

Michael K. McGovern

Horace McHugh*

Alexander D. McIntyre*

Michael A. McNees*

Mark H. McNeill*

Michele E. Meade*

James L. Mercer

David Meriwether*

Fred E. Meurer*

Justin J. Miller

Kerry L. Miller*

Michael G. Miller

Paul D. Mills

Bill A. Monahan*

Barbara H. Moore*

David E. Moran*

Steven J. Morus*

Thomas M. Moton, Jr.*

Brian P. Murphy*

Mark E. Nagel*

Spencer R. Nebel*

Ghida S. Neukirch

David J. Niemeyer

Eric P. Norenberg*

Frederick C. Nutt*

Paul J. Nutting

Michael D. O’Leary

James B. Oliver, Jr.

Reid T. Ottesen

David W. Owen

Craig S. Owens*

David A. Oyler

Martha L. Paige

Lauren Palmer

Derrick Parham

Stephen F. Parry*

Frank Patrizio, Jr.*

Kimball Payne III

Mary Kay Peck*

Andrew K. Pederson*

Roy R. Pederson

Jan C. Perkins

Mark C. Perkins*

M. Denis Peterson

John D. Petrin

Douglas J. Petroshius*

George A. Pettit

Marc H. Pfeiffer*

James S. Phillips*

Robert G. Pierce*

Karen E. Pinkos*

Lon D. Pluckhahn*

Kevin C. Poe*

James D. Prosser

Marcia L. Raines

Richard T. Reed*

Alan Riffel*

David C. Ritz

Mark B. Roath

Meredith Stengel Robson*

Denise M. Rose*

Donald B. Rose*

Erskine E. Rose

William R. Ross*

Travis P. Rothweiler

Scott E. Sanders

Steven Sarkozy*

Michael J. Scanlon*

Mark A. Schlagheck*

Henry P. Schubert, Jr.*

Douglas J. Schulze*

Raymond D. Schweitzer

William Sequino, Jr.*

Warren H. Shafer

Albert R. Sharp*

Betsy D. Sherman

Edward K. Shikada

John F. Shirey*

Reid Silverboard*

Jeffrey S. Slatton

Robert E. Slavin

Richard C. Slingerland, Jr.

Walter J. Slipe

James C. Smith*

James A. Smith*

Nat Erskine Smith, Jr.*

Stephen P. Smithers*

Stephen J. Sobers

Jennifer D. Sparacino*

James K. Spore*

Eileen F. Stein*

Merrett R. Stierheim*

Matthew T. Stiles*

Jason J. Stilwell

Barry A. Stock*

Mary L. Strenn

Eric S. Stuckey

Greg R. Sund*

J. William Taylor*

David S. Teel

J. Edward Tewes

James L. Thomas*

Steven Terry Thompson*

Susan K. Thorpe*

James Thurmond

James E. Tolbert*

Brian A. Townsend

R. Marvin Townsend

Sandra E. Tripp-Jones*

Linda Lovvorn Tucker

Martin Tuttle

David J. Unmacht

Jack G. Upton

F. Patrick Urich*

Maryann I. Ustick*

Michael C. Van Milligen*

Bradley C. Vath*

Mitchell Wasserman*

Robin Anne Weaver*

Micky Webb*

Jacqueline I. Wedding-Scott*

Paul A. Wenbert*

Michael K. West

Steven Wheeler

Bryan L. White

Leslie R. White

Robert G. White

Bryan M. Whitemyer*

Charles S. Whiting

David S. Whitlow*

William R. Whitson*

John T. Wieland*

Michael Wilkes*

Earl D. Wilson, Jr.

Robert L. Wilson, Jr.

Edwin L. Worsley, Jr.*

Joshua H. Wright*

Mrs. Dawn L. Wucki-Rossbach

Edward A. Wyatt

Richard A. Zais, Jr.*

Eric G. Ziegler

Matthew D. Zimmerman*

James W. Zumwalt*


Under $100

Arber Ajeti*

Stephen A. Alfred*

Christopher Anderson*

Craig G. Anderson*

James F. App*

Bradley S. Arnold*

Ann G. Bailie*

Jane Bais-DiSessa*

Betty Martin Baker*

Wilmer K. Baldwin

Stephen M. Bartha*

Ronald R. Bates

Gerard J. Bauer

Wolfgang Bauer

Kirk Bednar

Shawn Michael Bell*

Robert M. Belmore*

Seth B. Benjamin

Andy Benke*

John S. Bennie*

Stephen Berley*

David I. Blanchard

Jean A. Bonander*

Logan Lacy Bradshaw*

J. Peter Braun*

Julie M. Brenman*

Patrick M. Brennan*

Paul A. Bringewatt*

Jake Broom*

Michael B. Brown

Garrison C. Brumback*

John M. Call

John G. Campbell*

Erin Carr*

Carolyn H. Carter*

Joseph P. Casey

Timothy J. Casey*

Melisa Caughman*

Julia A. Cedillo*

Nathan M. Cherpeski*

Edward J. Ciecka*

David Clyne*

Alan J. Cohen*

Melinda J. Coleman*

Michael S. Collins

W. Larry Collins

John T. Cook*

Myron F. Corley*

William M. Costick

John Cowdall

William P. Craig

John P. Cribb*

Joseph F. Curran*

Richard C. Cushing*

Arthur A. Davis III*

Amanda DeGan*

Brian K. Dehner*

Eric M. DeMoura*

Lorraine Dennis*

Joanna Diaz

Gregory P. Dietterick*

William C. Dixon*

Sylvester Donelson, Jr.

Ron Dowell

Karen L. Doyle*

John J. Duffy*

Diana A Dykstra*

Matthew Efird*

Christopher D. Eldridge*

Scott Elliott*

Lea Eriksen*

Raymond C. Eubanks III*

Bruce J. Evilsizor*

Michael S. Felts

Kenneth R. Fields*

William H. Fisher, Jr.

Thomas Fountaine II*

Andrea Fox*

Sandra Fox

Kevin D. Frazell*

Michele Frisby*

Norio Funayama

Dianne L. Gershuny

Michael P. Gilleberto*

Judith A. Gilleland*

Christina L. Gilmore*

Magda Alicia Gonzalez*

Derik V. Goodine

Mrs. Ashley Graff*

Jeffrey B. Gushue*

Albert E. Haines

Robert M. Halloran*

Amy C. Hamilton*

Kenneth C. Hampian*

Scott Hanin

James C. Hankla

Thomas L. Hanson

Dennis Harmon*

Norman Harvey*

Peter C. Harvey

Richard J. Haydon*

Autron S. Hayes*

Michael S. Herman*

Blaine R. Hinds*

Edmond R. Hinkle*

Brent D. Hinson

David P. Hodgkins*

Stephen L. Hollister*

Richard P. Holmer*

Gary C. Holmes

Desmond I. Jeffries

Alton Jelks*

Robert B. Johnston, Sr.*

Carrie E. Jones*

Justine Jones*

William H. Jones, Jr.*

Monica Jordan*

Pamela Kavanaugh*

Tadayoshi Kawawa*

Motiryo D. Keambiroiro

William M. Keefer

Dayle Keller

Derrik M. Kennedy*

Richard I. Kerbel*

Philip M. Kern*

Kimberly A. Kerr*

Ronald L. Kiedrowski

John G. Kines, Jr.

Suzanne S. King*

Grant A. Kleinhenz

John C. Klimm*

Juniper Korkie*

Debra Kurita*

Maria Lasday*

Robert C. Lawton, Jr.

Christopher J. Layton*

Thomas Leath*

Jim Leddy

Douglas K. Leslie

Michelle L Lofton

Anthony Bonilla Lopez*

Jeffrey V. Lord*

Peter F. Lydens*

John A. MacLean*

Benjamin B. Marchant*

Dan J. Marsh*

Peter S. Marshall

Leopoldo Martinez

Lane M. Massey

Robert E. Matson*

Andrew J. McCown*

William Gregg McCutchen III*

Michael P. McLaughlin*

P. C. McLaurin, Jr.

Rita McMahon*

Eric S. Metcalf*

Donna G. Miller*

Douglas R. Miller*

Florentine Miller*

Liz R. Miller

Peter J. Miller

Laura Biery Minnich*

Richard A. Mirgon

Gary Mixon*

Ronald Molendyk*

John R. Moore, Jr.*

Mrs. Anita Morgan

Richard Scott Morgan

Robert B. Morris*

Michael W. Morrow*

Jeffrey L. Mueller*

Joyce L. Munro*

Jeffrey B. Muzzy*

David Myers*

Kimberly Darigan Newman*

Jack R. Noble

William Steven Nolen

Anne L. Norris*

John M. Novinson*

James B. O’Grady

Randall D. Oliver*

Arthur A. Osten, Jr.*

Brad Jay Ostroff*

Robert L. Palmer*

Nicholas A. Pavlovich

Jeffrey A. Pederson

John C. Phillips*

Dennis P. Pieper*

Pamela J. Polk*

Tedd E. Povar*

William A. Prokop*

Mrs. Uma Ramesh*

David H. Ramsay*

Gabe Reaume

Michael J. Redlinger*

Randall H. Reid

Major F. Riddick, Jr.*

Michael D. Rimer*

Sheila M. Ritz

Dannette Robberson

Timothy Roberts

Steven R. Rogers*

Tumiko R. Rucker*

Alison D. Rudolf*

Donald L. Russell*

Elizabeth S. Ruyle-Hullinger

Donald L. Sandor

James D. Sandoval*

Eugene A. Schiller*

Paul Shew*

Alan Siegel

Jonathan F. Simons, Jr.*

Jack Arthur Simpson

Scot E. Simpson*

Henry D. Sinda

Daniel A. Singer*

Alden F. Smith

Karen A. Smith*

Kyle R. Sonnenberg

Scott A. Sorrel*

Glenn F. Spachman*

Catherine P. Standiford*

Frank N. Stovall, Jr.*

Rona V. Stringfellow*

David A. Strohl*

C. Seth Sumner*

Robert L. Svehla

Henry Taboada

William G. Tallman*

M.D. Marty Tarshes

Dennis M. Taylor

Russell P. Taylor*

Steven H. Taylor*

John T. Terry*

James H. Thomas

Steven E. Thomas*

Patricia S. Thompson*

Phillip Thompson-King*

Richard Underkofler*

Mary Vail-Grube

Alan Watkins*

Kenneth Le Roy Weaver*

Michael B White*

Quentin W. Wiest

M. Ray Wiggins

Mark M. Williams

Robert L. Williams*

Tillery D Williams

Michael Willis

Milton E. Willis, Jr.*

Ernest J. Wilson*

Teresa B. Wilson*

Martha Wine

Edward G. Wohlenberg*

Robert J. Wood*

Kevin V. Yokim*

William Clay Young*

John Hayden Yow*

Natalie M. Zeigler*


Organizational Donors





Texas City Management Association


$3,000 to $5,000

California City Management Foundation*

Florida City and County Management Association

Georgia City/County Management Association*

Illinois City/County Management Association

Michigan Local Government Management Association*

Missouri City Management Association*

North Carolina City and County Management Association

South Carolina City and County Management Association*

Virginia Local Government Management Association

$1,000 to $2,999

Alabama City/County Management Association*

Arizona City/County Management Association*

Association for Pennsylvania Municipal Management*

City Management Association of Oklahoma*

Iowa City/County Management Association

Kansas Association of City/County Management*

National Association of County Administrators*

Ohio City/County Management Association*

Washington City/County Management Association


Under $1,000

Arkansas City Management Association*

Fidelity Charitable

Kentucky City/County Management Association*



Sustaining Contributors

These donors have been offering their generous support for 10 consecutive years. ICMA wishes to recognize their commitment and dedication to the profession.


Craig G. Anderson

Daniel A. Anslinger

David S. Arnold

Michael D. Baker

Walter O. Barry

Seth B. Benjamin

Gregory J. Bielawski

Terrell Blodgett

Jeffrey Broughton

Michael F. Brown

William P. Buchanan

Michael W. Burns

Lawrence Jeff Butzlaff

Ron Carlee

Mike Casey

David M. Childs

Edward J. Ciecka

Duane R. Cole

Michael A. Conduff

Samuel L. Coxson

Edwin C. Daley

Lloyd R. De Llamas

Daryl J. Delabbio

Walter L. Denton

David J. Deutsch

R. Michael Eastland

Paul D. Eckles

Frank P. Edmunds

Daniel L. Elliott

Lee Feldman

Daniel W. Fitzpatrick

Kate P. Fitzpatrick

Thomas Fountaine II

Randi Frank

Thomas W. Fredericks

Matthew T. Fritz

A. Lee Galloway

Sam S. Gaston

Dianne L. Gershuny

James K. Giese

Anthony H. Griffin

Jack S. Hamlett

George L. Hanbury II

Scott A. Hancock

Kathleen Jenks Harm

Leonard G. Hendricks

Richard F. Herbek

Peter J. Herlofsky

Richard J. Hierstein

Edmond R. Hinkle

Brian P. Humphress

Illinois City/County Management Association

Robert B. Johnston, Sr.

James Keene, Jr.

Roger L. Kemp

Peter A. Korn

David Krings

Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt

Robert S. LaSala

William F. LaVecchia

Jasmine L. Lim

David M. Limardi

Tom Lundy

Craig Malin

Lynn H. Markland

Robert D. McEvoy Peggy Merriss

Florentine Miller

Justin J. Miller

Sanford I. Miller

Ronald Molendyk

David R. Mora

David E. Moran

Roger J.B. Morris

Thomas Muehlenbeck

Gerald E. Newfarmer

Karl F. Nollenberger

North Carolina City and County Management Association

Robert J. O’Neill, Jr.

Arthur A. Osten

Kenneth W. Parker

Jan C. Perkins

John F. Perry

M. Denis Peterson

Richard T. Reed

David C. Ritz

Carl R. Rogers

Kathleen F. Rush

Elizabeth S. Ruyle-Hullinger

Robert A. Schaumleffel

Mark A. Scott

Sheryl L. Sculley

John F. Shirey

Alden F. Smith

James C. Smith

Jennifer D. Sparacino

James A. Stevens

Mary L. Strenn

Robert L. Svehla

Bonnie Svrcek

Henry Taboada

Susan K. Thorpe

R. Marvin Townsend

Jackson C. Tuttle

Bradley C. Vath

Carl F. Valente

Michael W. Walker

Washington City/County Management Association

Robin A. Weaver

John M. Weichsel

Paul A. Wenbert

Steven Wheeler

Leslie R. White

Ivan L. Widom

Glen Tracy Williams

Robert L. Williams

AJ Wilson

Robert L. Wilson, Jr.

Mark Wollenweber

Edward A. Wyatt

Paul M. Ziehler

James W. Zumwalt



ICMA would also like to thank the following associations for their dedicated support:


Colorado City/County Management Association

Maryland City/County Management Association

Massachusetts Municipal Association

Minnesota City/County Management Association

Tennessee City Management Association

Utah City Management Association

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!