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Cynthia Johnson, ICMA-CM
City Manager
Richland, Washington


I’m actually trying to get my mojo back now. First, I had to come to terms with the fact that I had lost it. Then, I gave myself some time to mourn the loss—seriously, I did this—and then I had to admit that I had a hand in losing it or at least misplacing it.

Exposing my frailty was difficult but I confided to a colleague and my greatest supporter, who reminded me in detail of progress made and how it wasn’t easy but was worth it. He encouraged me to reread kind notes that I so carefully preserve at the corner of my desk and also challenged me to be thankful for the opportunity to serve in a community.

Here’s where I am now: I remembered my purpose and that I am exactly where I need to be. I can’t let the negativity drag me down when I know the good that comes from this profession. This is who I am…all of me.

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Aaron Otto
City Administrator
Roeland Park, Kansas

 Depending on the situation, there are a number of strategies that have helped me through difficult times. Often, I literally would look to change my physical view, which can provide a new way of looking at a challenge.

Or perhaps a change in attitude from stressing about what can’t work to how a goal can actually be accomplished and what the steps are to make it happen. I also address stress by removing distractions as much as possible.

Last, but certainly not least, be gracious, kind, and giving when you interact with people. It is hard to go wrong when you love your neighbors as yourself, and it is then returned back to you in kind.

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Helga Reidel
Chief Administrative Officer
Windsor, Ontario, Canada


Serving as a senior leader or CAO certainly has its ups and downs. Administrators are looked to for advice, often in times of crisis or controversy. It’s a job, but we take it personally because we care about our communities, the residents we serve, and the people we work with.

During times of trial or tribulation, I find that words of recognition, appreciation and encouragement, especially from the mayor, city council, and colleagues can go a long way to restore my enthusiasm and get me back on track.

Failing that, the support from my husband, my adult sons, and my talented friends help to keep me grounded and recharged to face another day of challenge and success.

After all is said and done, inspiration must come from me, and I remind myself to appreciate my good fortune in the job I have and the great people I work with.



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