Jesse Lightle
Township Administrator
Township of Washington, Ohio
Being a township administrator means you are always in a fishbowl, and when you are married to a city manager it can mean an even larger fishbowl! For me, it’s the simple things that I wish I could do like grocery shopping without being approached about the height of a neighbor’s lawn; watching my kids play soccer without being asked the sign code for an upcoming fundraiser; or enjoying an evening out without being approached by a resident.
Finally, it’s hard to take a walk in my own neighborhood and not notice a street sign that needs to be straightened or a curb that needs to be replaced.
You know there’s too much local government in your life when your 4-year-old child says, “Mommy, I’ll ride my bike to the catch basin and make sure I hear the water and wait for you to catch up!”

County Administrator
Horry County, South Carolina
The primary thing would be to “let down my guard.” Recently, a neighbor left a voice mail that he needed to talk to me. Our daughters are friends, so I assumed it had something to do with them.Â
Instead, it was to pitch a product that my staff had reviewed as part of an RFP process and subsequently selected another vendor. I didn’t know he represented one of the companies. So it can be difficult to find friends who can’t be construed as seeking favor.
Another example: A current road project will affect traffic near my home. I had several individuals say, “You’ll be affected, too. Why don’t you do something?” To which I responded, “Yes, I’ll be affected. That’s exactly why I won’t do anything to adjust the traffic plan.”
In simplest terms, what I wish I could do is relax and know that I can go to a holiday party and not get hit with questions about politics or projects. It would be nice to just talk about the weather, what my kids are doing, and where I will go on my next biking trip.

Ben Reeves, ICMA-CM
City Manager
Santaquin, Utah
Having transitioned into my current position from the private sector, I have found that to be an effective servant of the people, I must live a more “guarded” lifestyle. Personal opinions, social participation, and the development of “meaningful” relationships seem to have been sacrificed in order to effectively serve as a city manager.
While I love my profession and its ability to provide subtle influences for good through servant-leadership, the fact is that I must often work to protect my personal identity as it has become enveloped by my title.
It helps to have a great family and support network at home. It further helps to love the people I serve and to make a difference in their lives. Still, it would really be nice to be known by more than my 24/7 title.

Yvonne Kimball, ICMA-CM
Town Manager
Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona
Being a city/town/county manager demands time and mental capacity. I find my devotion to my job constantly competes with my desire to spend quality time with family, especially my children. I wish I could help my school-aged children with their homework every day after work.
But very rarely am I able to do so. On those days I do happen to leave the office on time, once I arrive home, I often find myself either still having numerous things to process for the next day or having already reached my limit for any creative thinking or productive discipline. As a result, I completely rely on my supportive husband to fill the void.
Competing needs of my career and family seem to create a Catch–22 situation. Because of the demands of my job, I feel that I have to neglect my family from time to time. Yet, they provide motivation for me to become a better manager.
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