Local government management provides an array of challenges and opportunities that are unique to our profession. These range from budgetary constraints to the complexities of physical and economic development projects, as well as the ever-changing demands of a diverse population.
Especially for new graduates and mid-career professionals considering a career in local government, these challenges can be daunting. For the last decade, ICMA’s Guide to Breaking into Local Government has served as a valuable tool for those looking to make the leap by providing insight into the profession, case studies with stories from individuals who successfully made the transition, and survey data from individuals who made a career change.
In 2023, ICMA established a task force to update and revise the guide. The task force was made up of members from across the United States who shared the goal of providing a tool that is useful for a variety of audiences, including employers, professional associations, and of course, those looking to start a career in local government.
As the task force sought new stories to include in the guide, one of the goals was to ensure a diverse group of backgrounds from across ICMA’s membership were represented in the case studies. Case studies include individuals who transitioned from a career in the military, the private sector, nonprofits, state/federal government service, education, and as a student, intern, or fellow. The case studies include individuals who have served in local government for various lengths of time, who started their careers at different levels, and who serve in organizations throughout the United States.
As we work to address the needs of our diverse communities, it is important that our organizations thrive from the strength that diversity provides. We wanted to ensure that the stories in the guide featured broad representation so that anyone reading the guide can recognize that there is a place for them in our profession.
While the challenges facing our communities change over time, there will always be a need for strong professional managers to ensure that local leaders are prepared to make informed decisions and provide leadership to local governments across the country. Achieving this objective requires a diverse array of competent, ethical individuals to step forward and pursue a career in local government. It is the hope of the task force that the updated Guide to Breaking into Local Government will serve another generation who is looking to jump in.
Be on the lookout for more information about the guide, debuting soon!
ANDREW LETSON is county administrator of Meeker County, Minnesota, USA.
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