The ICMA Senior Advisor Program has long been a vital resource for local government professionals, offering expertise and support to navigate the complexities of public service. In Arizona, senior advisors play a crucial role in promoting effective governance, cultivating future leaders, and addressing the unique needs of communities across the state.
Arizona is the sixth largest and fourteenth most populous state in the United States. It is home to the iconic Saguaro cactus, found only in the Sonoran Desert. Local government in Arizona consists of 15 counties and 91 cities and towns. All 15 counties operate under the council-manager form of government, along with 87 of the 91 municipalities, including the largest cities—Phoenix, Tucson, and Mesa.
Currently, Arizona has two senior advisors, Mike Letcher and Susan Thorpe, through a partnership between the Arizona City/County Management Association (ACMA) and ICMA. They provide strategic and confidential advice to professionals at all career stages, from newcomers to seasoned managers. Their primary goal is to support their colleagues in any way possible—whether as a sounding board or a trusted confidant—understanding that city/county management can often be a lonely profession.
Support and Confidentiality
Rather than focusing on geographic boundaries, the support provided by senior advisors is tailored to the specific needs or resources sought by individuals. They serve as a confidential resource for all ACMA members. Moreover, senior advisors nationwide are available to ICMA members who may require support outside their state for unique reasons.
Connecting with Students and Emerging Leaders
One of the services provided by Arizona’s senior advisors is fostering connections between ACMA and students enrolled in MPA programs across the state. Arizona boasts strong MPA programs at its three state universities: the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University. The senior advisors actively encourage students to pursue careers in local government.
Mike Letcher also collaborates with Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University’s MPA programs and serves as an associate professor of practice in the University of Arizona’s MPA program.
Partnerships with ACMA and Professional Development
ACMA is an affiliate of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns and the County Supervisors Association of Arizona. These organizations support key events such as the annual NextGen Conference, the Arizona Women Leading Government Conference, and ACMA’s Winter and Summer Conferences.
Senior advisors attend these conferences to engage with members, stay informed on emerging issues, and understand the challenges facing local governments and professionals.
In recent years, ACMA conferences have introduced Manager’s Corner sessions—private gatherings where city and county managers can share confidential concerns and support one another. Due to their popularity, similar confidential sessions have been added for deputies/assistants and associates, all facilitated by senior advisors. These sessions have been highly attended and positively evaluated, ensuring their continuation.
Mentorship and Recruitment Assistance
Susan and Mike are deeply committed to developing emerging leaders through initiatives such as the Women in Local Government and NextGen conferences. They mentor aspiring professionals, sharing valuable insights and guidance. Mike was honored with a Next Generation Mentorship award at the 2024 NextGen Conference.
Recently, Susan assisted a small Arizona town that could not afford professional recruitment services for hiring a new city manager. Drawing inspiration from senior advisors in Florida and professional firms, she developed a recruitment process to help the mayor and council attract candidates, select finalists, conduct interviews, and negotiate an agreement with the chosen city manager.
The League of Arizona Cities and Towns keeps the senior advisors informed about changes in city positions and newly appointed managers. This enables them to welcome newcomers, invite them to join ACMA and ICMA, attend conferences, and offer their support.
Gathering Feedback and Enhancing Resources
To ensure senior advisor services meet members’ needs, Mike Letcher recently developed a survey to gather input from ACMA members on desired resources and topics. With approval from the ACMA board, the survey will be distributed to all members and results used to refine the resources and support we offer.
Supporting Managers in Transition
Managers in Transition (MIT) are a priority for both ICMA and ACMA, as the city management profession is unique in its vulnerability—managers can be dismissed for any or no reason. Senior advisors provide practical advice and emotional support to help managers navigate transitions and move forward productively.
Facilitating Leadership Transitions
During leadership transitions, Senior advisors play a critical role by identifying and recommending interim managers. Their extensive knowledge of local government operations and professional networks helps ensure smooth transitions, minimizing disruptions and maintaining continuity in services.
Contributions to Policy and Governance
As ex officio members of the ACMA executive board, senior advisors attend meetings and offer recommendations on conference content and policy issues. For instance, Mike developed a model employment agreement tailored specifically to Arizona, complementing the ICMA model and providing a valuable resource for those without ICMA membership.
Commitment to Service
Arizona’s senior advisors are dedicated to connecting with professionals across all generations in the workforce—from city and county managers to aspiring new entrants into local government. Their mission is to ensure everyone feels welcome in the profession and remains committed to serving the public with professionalism, nonpartisanship, and ethics.
We serve those who serve.
MIKE LETCHER, ICMA-CM, is senior vice president of the Mercer Group and is a senior advisor for ICMA and the Arizona City/County Management Association.
SUSAN THORPE, ICMA-CM, is a senior advisor for ICMA and the Arizona City/County Management Association.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!