The ICMA Student Chapter program was started in 2010 to attract and cultivate a diverse and talented group of individuals as the next generation of local management leaders, and to improve connections and collaboration between universities and local government professionals. Working with dedicated students, professors, and ICMA members, the program has grown to over 54 chapters. Thanks to a grant from ICMA-RC, student chapters can now join ICMA for free. With no financial obstacles to starting a chapter and with your assistance, we expect the program to continue growing exponentially.
ICMA provides unlimited student memberships to all students enrolled in the chapter--there is no individual student fee, and now there is no chapter fee. Chapter members receive such member benefits as the Leadership Matters member newsletter and PM magazine online, and have access to members-only files and content (such as the Job Hunting Handbook and Leading Ideas interviews). Student members receive complimentary registration to attend the ICMA Annual Conference. The chapter also gets an ICMA-branded chapter logo and a number of chapter-specific webinars or audio conferences throughout the year on such topics as “How do we increase diversity and expand inclusivity within the local government profession?” and “Using LinkedIn to master your personal brand.”
ICMA will continue to develop chapter content and activities, including chapter contests using case studies and data sets to help students apply their knowledge from the classroom to real-world problems and solutions. Chapters engage their members by bringing in guest speakers, participating in small consulting projects for nearby local governments (a good resume builder!), making presentations to undergraduates or high schools about local government, civics, or other topics of interest, and holding networking roundtables and dinners.

ICMA Syracuse University Student Chapter
Schools, students or members interested in starting a chapter can find more information on our chapter pages, e-mail careers@icma.org for details, or download the agreement and sample charter to begin the process now by visiting icma.org. All you need is a chapter president, a faculty advisor, and an ICMA member advisor. Start a chapter today to take part in this unparalleled educational and networking experience for anyone considering a career in local government management.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!