The ICMA Executive Board held its quarterly meeting in Long Beach, California, February 7-10, 2019, and took the following actions:
- Received a presentation from Statler Nagle, the consultant selected to assist ICMA with its member engagement process in its efforts to increase diversity of ICMA’s Executive Board and its membership. The first step in this member engagement effort will involve ICMA hosting an online focus group on March 4 at 1 pm EST. The engagement effort will continue over the next six months through strategic conversations with ICMA’s membership at ICMA Regional Conferences and at state association meetings.
- Received presentations from ICMA staff on the launch of the reimagined PM magazine and on “ICMA Connect,” the forthcoming app for ICMA members.
- Approved recognition for Dayton, Texas, under the council-manager criteria.
- Reviewed ICMA’s six-month financials through December 31, 2018. The FY 2019 budget assumed a contribution to net assets of approximately $111,000. At the end of the second quarter of FY 2019, staff projects the net results from operations to be at break even. In addition, staff anticipate incurring the unbudgeted expenses of $115,000 related to hiring a membership engagement consultant to further the board’s diversity efforts and a $250,000 investment in local government innovation initiatives, resulting in the use of approximately $365,000 from net assets. ICMA’s net assets balance at the end of FY 2019 is projected to be approximately $10.3 million.
- Conducted its annual review of ICMA’s financial policies.
- Suspended the current policy of holding one quarterly board meeting in an international location every three years. The board approved a restructured approach wherein a formula would be developed to ensure that each board member would be commissioned to attend the meeting of at least one international affiliate or visit an ICMA project abroad during their tenure on the board. This new approach would enhance ICMA’s efforts to achieve meaningful engagement with its international affiliates.
- Conducted its annual review of member task forces and committees. The board approved the creation of two new groups: an Advisory Board for Assistant/Deputy Managers and a Task Force to Update the ICMA Recruitment Guidelines. The board also approved new guidelines to review existing member task forces and committees, and selected the Sustainable Communities Advisory Board, Digital Strategies Advisory Board, and Smart Communities Advisory Board for evaluation in the upcoming year.
- Approved a recommendation from the Committee on Professional Conduct (CPC) to place a vote before ICMA’s membership to adopt new language for Tenets 1 and 2 of the ICMA Code of Ethics. The proposed changes for the tenets will appear on the vice-presidential ballot for consideration by the membership in May-June 2019. If approved, the CPC will develop revised guidelines for consideration and approval by the ICMA Executive Board later in 2019.
- Approved a recommendation from the Committee on Professional Conduct to amend the Rules of Procedure of Enforcement of the ICMA Code of Ethics to provide that members who resign their membership upon receiving notice that they are subject to an ethics complaint shall waive all rights to participate in the review process. Such respondents shall be informed that they have 15 days from the date ICMA acknowledges their membership resignation to reconsider the decision.
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