On June 1, 2022, ICMA canvassed 2,146 ballots (2,135 were received online and 11 by regular mail) cast by ICMA members who are eligible to vote based on the criteria outlined in ICMA’s Constitution. Via this ballot, Corporate (voting) members selected vice presidents from each of ICMA’s six regions to serve the 2022-2025 term on the ICMA Executive Board.
Incoming Regional Vice Presidents
The six newly elected vice presidents will be inducted and take office on the ICMA Executive Board during the 108th ICMA Annual Conference, September 17-21, 2022, in Columbus/Franklin County, Ohio. The regional vice presidents elected by the ICMA membership are:
- International: Colin Tom Beheydt, city manager, Bruges, Belgium
- Midwest: Michael Sable, ICMA-CM, assistant city manager, Bloomington, Minnesota
- Mountain Plains: Dave Slezickey, ICMA-CM, city manager, Kingfisher, Oklahoma
- Northeast: Dennis Enslinger, ICMA-CM, deputy city manager, Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Southeast: Jorge M. Gonzalez, ICMA-CM, village manager, Bal Harbour, Florida
- West Coast: Jessi Bon, city manager, Mercer Island, Washington
2021-2022 Nominations and Election Process
Sixteen candidates for ICMA’s Executive Board were interviewed by a nominating committee in each of ICMA’s six regions. The six regional nominating committees were comprised of state/country and affiliate association leaders in the region and/or representatives appointed by them. Each committee nominated one individual to appear on the election ballot. Candidates not selected also had an opportunity to appear on the ballot via the petition, process although no candidates exercised that option.
Three Corporate members served on the Canvassing Committee to witness the vote tally and certify the election results: Carrie Jones, assistant director of public works, Plano Texas; William Peppers, city manager, Canton, Georgia; and Mark Heydlauff, city manager, Charlevoix, Michigan.
“The process of selecting members to serve on the ICMA Executive Board involves a concerted effort from our members, all of whom do so in a volunteer capacity. These ICMA members come from all six regions and also represent state and affiliate partners. I would like to thank those members who participated on the Regional Nominating Committees, Canvassing Committee, and the state/country associations and affiliate organizations for helping to identify this new cohort of board leaders. A very special thank you to those members who chose to apply and were willing to make the commitment to the membership that board service requires. I appreciate the work they undertook in preparing for and participating in the nominations and candidate interview process.” – Troy Brown ICMA-CM, 2021-2022 ICMA President
Planning for Future ICMA Executive Board Service
Each year, each region has one regional vice president position become available. The 2022-2023 nominations process will launch after the conclusion of the 2022 ICMA Annual Conference in Columbus/Franklin County, Ohio. ICMA encourages members who are interested in serving their peers in the profession and ICMA to consider pursuing this opportunity.
To learn more about the demands and opportunities of serving on the board, reach out to current ICMA regional vice presidents, your state/country association president, affiliate organization president, and/or your ICMA regional director. A list of contacts can be found on the Leadership/Liaison Directory.
State/country associations and affiliate organizations are important partners with ICMA and are encouraged to identify and develop future leaders to serve on the ICMA Executive Board. The 21-member board consists of a president, a president-elect, a past president, and 18 regional vice presidents. There are six regions and each region is represented by three regional vice presidents. Regional vice presidents serve three-year terms.
Learn more about the expectations of board service, the nominations and election process, and requirements to serve on the ICMA Executive Board.
If you have questions about the nominations process in your region, contact Camilla Posthill, senior program manager, at icmanominations@icma.org.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!