On June 24, 2016, ICMA canvassed 1,872 ballots to select vice presidents who will take office with the 2016–2017 ICMA Executive Board (1,868 were received online and 4 by regular mail). This was the tenth year that ICMA provided online voting. The vice presidents who were elected are:
Midwest Patrick E. Klein, assistant city manager, Kansas City, Missouri
Southeast Charles M. Duggan Jr., city manager, Auburn, Alabama
International Frans G. Mencke, city manager, Hoorn, Netherlands
Northeast Stephanie J. Mason, township manager, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Mountain Plains James G. Jayne, county manager, Navajo County, Arizona
West Coast Martha J. Bennett, chief operating officer, Metro Council, Portland Oregon
ICMA Corporate members who served on the canvassing committee were Laura Allen, town administrator, Berlin, Maryland; John DeStefano, city manager, Follansbee, West Virginia; and Cindy Mester, assistant city manager, Falls Church, Virginia. ICMA staff members assisted with the counting.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!