The National League of Cities (NLC) has recognized the City of Avondale for completing key health and wellness goals for Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties (LMCTC). LMCTC is a major component of First Lady Michelle Obama’s comprehensive Let’s Move! initiative, which is dedicated to solving the childhood obesity epidemic within a generation. LMCTC calls upon local elected officials to adopt sustainable and holistic policies that improve communities’ access to healthy affordable food and opportunities for physical activity through five goal areas.
“We congratulate and commend Avondale for your efforts to improve the health of your community’s children and families,” said NLC President Chris Coleman, mayor of Saint Paul, Minn. “Through the leadership and dedication of local elected officials in cities, towns and counties across the country, we are beginning to see a measurable decrease in obesity rates and a cultural shift towards health.”
Five medals were awarded to Avondale for action taken to improve access to healthy affordable food and increase opportunities for physical activity. These medals were awarded specifically for Avondale’s achievements in Start Early, Start Smart and My Plate, Your Place initiatives for promoting best practices for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in early care and education settings through annual training to care providers as well as being a venue that prominently displays MyPlate in all municipal venues where food is served.
- Silver and Gold Medals in Goal I: Start Early, Start Smart
- Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals in Goal II: MyPlate, Your Place
Under the leadership of Avondale Mayor Marie Lopez Rogers, Immediate Past President of NLC, the city committed to the LMCTC program in 2012, recognizing that its goals were aligned with the city’s programs and activities to build a healthy, sustainable community.
“Avondale has long committed to programs and activities that promote healthy lifestyles,” said Christopher Reams, Avondale’s director of Parks Recreations and Libraries. “Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties has reinforced this commitment. We are excited to be recognized for the strides we’ve made, and are continuing to make, throughout the city.”
All LMCTC sites have the opportunity to earn up to five gold medals, one for each actionable goal to which they commit to as part of the initiative. Medals are awarded to local elected officials based on achievements in each of the following five goal areas:
- Goal I: Start Early, Start Smart: Promoting best practices for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in early care and education settings
- Goal II: My Plate, Your Place: Prominently displaying MyPlate in all municipal or county venues where food is served
- Goal III: Smart Servings for Students: Increasing participation in school breakfast and lunch programs
- Goal IV: Model Food Service: Implementing healthy and sustainable food service guidelines that are aligned with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Goal V: Active Kids at Play: Increasing opportunities for physical activity
For more information, please contact Ingrid Melle, PIO, at imelle@avondale.org or 623-333-1614.
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