A large, universally accessible playgroundhas been is in the works and New Smyrna Beach officials are looking for park users to help design it. On May 16, the City Gym was transformed into a large design room where local youth may draw plans for the soon-to-be-rebuilt Manatee All-Children’s Playground.
“Kids know what they want on a playground,” said Faith Miller, maintenance operations manager. “Since the playground is for them, we want to see their ideas and then incorporate them into the final design.”
On Design Day, the gymnasium floor was covered with paper and markers. Working in groups, youth drew their ideas and then share them with the adult designers, Miller said.
The new, custom playground replaces the popular and heavily used playground at the southern end of Riverside Park, 105 S. Riverside Drive. Like it’s predecessor, the new playground also was designed by Playground by Leathers, Ithaca, N.Y and Nujak Companies, Lakeland. The companies also will facilitate the Design Day event.
“When the current Manatee All Children’s Playground was built 21 years ago, it met ADA standards at the time, “Miller said. “But those standards have changed. The rebuilt playground will meet current standards.”
Demolition of the existing playground and construction of the new playground could begin in late June and is expected to last 6-8 weeks. The new playground could be open by the end of August, Miller said.
The cost of the project is $273,000 and is funded by the City of New Smyrna Beach and the County of Volusia through the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency.
For more Design Day information, please call (386) 424-2202 or visit the city website.
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