I still find myself energized about the work I do and the people I get to work with every day. I grew up in a family that valued service, so a career in the public sector embodied the values I was taught. As an undergraduate, I was headed toward an international law degree when a public administration professor joined the faculty. He had our class analyze an upcoming vote on city-county consolidation and the impact we, as students, thought a consolidated government might have on public safety, education, public works, and cultural services. Like most consolidation attempts, the referendum failed, but I was hooked on local government!
After a year-long internship as part of my MPA graduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I went on to serve as assistant to the manager of Catawba County for two years, assistant county manager for three years, and became county manager at the age of 29. I joined ICMA my first year in local government, and the association has afforded me the opportunity for professional development and networking, and the chance to be involved in growing and shaping ICMA.
Donating to the Fund and then to Life, Well Run was a natural step for me. I saw contributing to the Fund as a way to educate residents about the value of professional management and help the next generation learn about local government and their role as residents. It's important that people understand and appreciate that good government and excellent customer service don't just happen. Strong communities are the product of hard work and professionalism on the part of thousands of local government employees and leaders, most of whom see their work as a calling, and not just a job.
If you, like me, believe in this profession, it makes sense to ensure that our communities understand and value how professional management and leadership can help make communities better places to live; and to want to ensure that a career in professional management continues to attract bright, caring people.
Someone gave you and me a chance. Someone encouraged us to be members of ICMA. Each of us has the same opportunity to help ensure that this profession continues, that public service is valued and attractive to young people, and that our communities are responsive, nonpolitical, and ethical.
Helping residents understand the value of professional management and making the profession an attractive and compelling career choice won't happen just because we want it to; it happens because we do the right things, and one of those right things is supporting the Fund and Life, Well Run throughout our careers. I hope you’ll join me in making a gift as one way to invest in the future of our communities and our profession.
County manager of Catawba County, North Carolina, Tom has been a member of ICMA for 42 years. He has served as president of the ICMA Executive Board, been a Legacy Leader since 2007, and served on numerous ICMA boards and taskforces. He began donating to the Fund for Professional Management in 1988 and began contributing to Life, Well Run when the program started in 2012.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!