Graphic: Public Management (PM)

I wrote this poem on March 31, 2001, when I retired as city manager of San Antonio, Texas, and began teaching as part of the public administration program at St. Mary's University, San Antonio. I left a copy of it for my successor in San Antonio, and I continue to share the poem with my students as an indicator of life as a local government manager.



So you're the city manager —
That's what I've been told.
I was one when I was younger.
Now I've gotten old.


Let me shed some light
On what you have to do.
I'm scarred by a long fight,
You're really pretty new.


Remember that your staff
Will help you win or lose.
Separate wheat from chaff.
Don't forget the crews.


You'll train young men and women
As police and firefighters brave.
Protectors tried and proven —
You'll escort some to their grave.


Keep those numbers in your head.
They always want to know.
Are the actuals the way you said?
Will revenues really grow?


So you're the city manager
Slipping into that noble chair.
Educator, peacemaker, fighter —
Just remember to be fair.


The city council is a gift —
Yes, it's really true!
Don't let them split or grow adrift
Or the blame will shift to you!


The mayor and council deserve respect.
They represent the people.
Perfection is what they expect.
Take the hits however lethal.


Don't just say what they want to hear
But tell them what they need to know.
Though strongly challenged, right the fear
And guide them on the way to go.


You'll have to study hard
The projects that you bring.
You'll need a winning Ace card
Against the lobby King.


Your ethics have to be the highest.
It's either right or wrong.
Influence peddling is big business
But in your office does not belong.


Remember to care for yourself —
You will frequently feel lonely.
With friends and relationships on a shelf
Rely on your partner — your one and only.


Be fit, get rest, pursue a diversion —
Easier said than done!
You can drown in total immersion —
So try to have some fun.


When in doubt, look out the window
You'll see "people" — the ones that count.
Ultimately, you need to know
They're really what it's all about!


So you're the city manager —
The burden is yours to bear.
You'll succeed as city manager.
Then your advice you'll also share.


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