A diagram of the different teams working to make Oklahoma City communities stronger.

The latest Life, Well Run success story highlights how partnerships between neighborhood associations, residents, schools, and businesses can improve urban appeal and lives within a targeted downtown area. Public-private partnerships played a key role in nearly every project and program in Oklahoma City's ongoing Strong Neighborhoods Inititive. Now three Oklahoma City areas once in decline are showing increases in housing prices, owner-occupied units, citizen engagement, and even math scores.

With nearly 100 entries now online, the “Success Stories” section of the Life, Well Run website highlights the programs, projects, and activities directed by professional city, town, and county managers that improved service delivery and enhanced the quality of life for residents. Help us spread the word about how having a professional manager/administrator in place made a difference in your community by sending an e-mail to lifewellrun@icma.org.

While on the Life, Well Run site, you can also browse through the library of videos produced by communities participating in the campaign. Each video uses the template created by the campaign and showcases the work of professional local government management in those communities.

And don't forget to link to Life, Well Run via social media. Like us on Facebook, where our likes have grown to 2,300. We also have more than 1,500 Twitter followers @lifewellrun. Have questions or comments about the campaign? Send an e-mail to lifewellrun@icma.org.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!