Strengthening Communities with Neighborhood Data, a new book from the Urban Institute, tells the story of how the convergence of three pivotal factors—automated government records, geospatial information systems, and local organizations that could leverage both—paved the way for a rigorous analysis of neighborhood conditions; what local data systems have accomplished in the 20 years since that convergence; and what these systems can accomplish going forward.
For policymakers, local government managers, urban planners, housing advocates, and activists, neighborhood-level data and analyses are essential in crafting successful programs for community improvement. Strengthening Communities documents and explains advances in community information management, providing context and offering sound guidance for how the field should evolve. “Technology, Data, and Institutional Change in Local Government,” an essay authored by Cory Fleming, ICMA senior project manager, is part of the book.
Strengthening Communities with Neighborhood Data was written with generous support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. It leverages the knowledge and experience of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) and its members.
The Urban Institute will release Strengthening Communities with Neighborhood Data during a live webcast on Wednesday, November 12. (Register for the webcast and receive information on the print edition and free e-book.)
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