Andy Pederson has served as the village manager of Bayside, Wisconsin, a community of 4,400 on the shores of Lake Michigan and the northern boundary of Milwaukee County, since 2005.
Prior to serving in Bayside, Pederson was the assistant village manager/community services director for the Village of Brown Deer; human resources director/special projects coordinator for the city of Whitewater; and assistant to the city administrator of Apple Valley, Minnesota. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin and a master's degree in public administration from Hamline University.
An ICMA member since 1998, Pederson will join the ICMA Executive Board at the 2012 annual conference in Phoenix. He serves on both the Conference Planning and Governmental Affairs & Policy committees, and was a 2009 Leadership ICMA graduate. Last year, he also led the Wisconsin City/County Management Association’s efforts as its president.
“I’m thrilled to see the way ICMA has celebrated the achievements in our community,” said Pederson. Bayside received the 2012 ICMA Community Partnership Program Excellence Award; ICMA Performance Measurement Awards of Distinction in 2011 and 2012; and ICMA's Community Sustainability Award in 2010.
Bayside has also received the Public Policy Forum Intergovernmental Cooperation Award for constructing and implementing a seven-community joint Public Safety Dispatch Center; the Southeast Wisconsin Public Policy Forum Award for Innovative Response to Tough Budget Times this past May; the Milwaukee Business Journal's Green Community of the Year in 2009; and Public Policy Forum's Effective Use of Technology/Managing for Results Award. Bayside has also been recognized for its leadership in communications and social media, and becoming a NOAA StormReady Community.
“As we face increasing pressures to maintain services for the constituencies we serve with fewer resources, organizations such as ICMA and the Alliance for Innovation have become even more invaluable tools to network, share knowledge, and solicit new ideas. As professional managers, we not only have a responsibility to serve our community through a strong code of ethics but also to promote and expand our profession through programs such as Life, Well Run,” said Pederson.
After years of having a strong internship program, Bayside initiated the Lester Maresh Fellowship this year to further advance the next generation who want to pursue a career in local government. "As the "new normal" redefines our communities, we have a tremendous ability to transform how local government provides services, communicates, manages our communities, and interacts with residents, the business community, elected officials, and others," according to Pederson.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!