On December 2, 1914, eight of the 31 U.S. city managers met in Springfield, Ohio, "to promote the efficiency of city managers and municipal work in general" and form the City Managers' Association (CMA). Under the group's first secretary (City Manager Ossian E. Carr from Cadillac, Michigan), the association’s first-year expenditures were $105.
To learn more about the milestones in the history of ICMA, its members, and the local government management profession, take a look at these anniversary resources:
- ICMA Anniversary Website—Click on any decade and scroll through the anniversary timeline on the homepage.
- Anniversary Video—Examine the development of ICMA and the local government management profession—from establishment of the first professional manager’s position in 1908 and the creation of the City Managers’ Association in 1914 through the association’s efforts today to attract the best and brightest individuals to careers in local government.
- Then and Now Presentation—Enjoy an overview of the key milestones of the association and the local government management profession
Create your OWN history! Contribute and be entered to win prizes!
To encourage more participation in “The ICMA Experience” (and to reach the goal of having at least 100 entries posted by January 2015), we’ve made adding your experiences to this collection even easier.
First, take just a few minutes to answer the following questions:
- What’s the best experience you’ve had during your career?
- What’s the best experience you’ve had as an ICMA member?
- Throughout your career, who have been your local government heroes, e.g., your teachers, mentors, role models, and other people who’ve most inspired you throughout your career?
- If you work for an organization other than a local government, describe your experiences as a partner or collaborator with ICMA.
Email your responses to anniversary@icma.org by or before December 31, and we’ll post them on “The ICMA Experience.” Be sure to include your name, title, organization, and email address. Anyone is welcome to post an entry, however, if you are an ICMA member, and you enter before December 31, you'll be entered to win one of a number of valuable prizes!
Enjoy your walk through ICMA’s history. Thanks for helping us celebrate our first 100 years!
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!