Why are we doing this?
ICMA has embarked on a global journey that will grow its network and enable the association to engage with local governments around the world that are adapting to rapid changes and thinking of new ways to better serve their communities. ICMA has had international in its name since 1924, but the bulk of its international engagement over the years has been through the implementation of programs funded by such U.S. government agencies as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department, as well as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and other donors. Through those programs, ICMA has supported local governments all over the world. The association continues to be successful in its domestic and international grants and contracts portfolio, which is the largest contributor to ICMA funding.
In alignment with the Envision ICMA strategic plan of 2017, ICMA committed to moving beyond grants and contracts to realizing its vision globally by expanding its network of local government practitioners and stakeholders, promoting best practices and innovation in local governance worldwide, and offering professional/career development and recognition programs to a global target audience. With input from our members, ICMA created its Global Engagement Strategy that was approved by the ICMA Executive Board in June 2022.
Who is on the Global Engagement Team?
In 2021, ICMA created the position of managing director of Global Engagement which Isabelle Bully-Omictin holds. Isabelle has worked for ICMA for 27 years, mainly on international grants and contracts programs. The position reports directly to ICMA CEO/Executive Director Marc Ott, and the strategy has the full support of the ICMA Executive Board. Additional staff include Jeanette Gass, senior program manager, Jessi Finley, global communications and marketing manager, and Sophie Weyn, assistant program manager. The ICMA Leadership Team works to execute the elements of the strategy with their respective teams. Effective execution is an organization-wide effort and, as such, will involve all staff.
Is ICMA's mission changing?
ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy does not change the core mission and vision of ICMA. ICMA advances professional local government through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics. Its vision is to be the leading professional association dedicated to creating and supporting thriving communities throughout the world. The Global Engagement Strategy is aligned with ICMA’s mission and vision and helps to carry it out.
Will member dues subsidize ICMA’s international efforts?
No, U.S. member dues do not subsidize ICMA’s international activities. In fact, the opposite is true. For many years, international grants and contracts have been the largest source of ICMA’s revenues. In past years, close to half of ICMA’s total revenues were generated through international projects. The net contribution generated through those activities went a long way to supplement dues and other revenues generated in the United States to fund other activities, including member services and benefits.
The Global Engagement Strategy does not seek to shift our attention from the United States to international markets. ICMA will continue to provide stellar services and benefits to current, mostly U.S. members, but will also explore new opportunities outside of the United States. We strongly believe that global perspectives will enhance the value of ICMA’s offerings, which will ultimately benefit all members and customers in the United States and beyond. In addition, it is our intent to ensure that our global engagement efforts contribute to ICMA’s financial stability, in alignment with Goal 2 of the Global Engagement Strategy.
Who is the target audience for the Global Engagement Strategy?
The target audience for ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy is any country’s local government organization (i.e., region, county, district, city, town, parish, borough, any local municipality, etc.) and/or its employees—outside its national and/or federal government structure—that focus on serving their residents by managing and delivering local government services to them, regardless of political, cultural, or religious affiliations. The target audience does not require the local government to have the council-manager structure. Any individual with an interest in local government leadership and management can benefit from ICMA programs and services.
Will we encourage membership and/or participation in our products, programs, and services from individuals who are in countries that do not have the council-manager form of government?
ICMA has always promoted the principles of good governance around the world and provided resources for local government professionals serving in communities with varying forms of government.
ICMA tried to advocate for council-manager form of government in the post-World War II period. For about a decade, ICMA’s executive director traveled around Europe trying to convince local governments to adopt the council-manager form of government. There was some success, but ICMA ultimately realized that there are so many different local governments and political structures around the world that it would be difficult to replicate on a large scale.
ICMA advocates for the council-manager form of government in the United States and research has shown that the council-manager form of government performs better in many areas. Around the world, the council-manager form of government is not well represented, but our advocacy message is focused on professional public management, which is a concept that resonates globally.
For years, ICMA’s Grants and Contracts programs have worked with local governments in countries with different structures and levels of autonomy. The approach has always been to find champions within the local governments and promote professional local government management and excellence, which translates into an emphasis on financial transparency and accountability, performance measurement, effective and efficient service delivery, inclusive and resilient economic growth, etc. The Global Engagement Strategy is no different. We will be providing individuals with management and leadership tools and skills that will enable them to be more professional in conducting the business of local governance. These tools will allow local government professionals to promote better quality of life and align with our vision of creating thriving communities worldwide.
I thought ICMA was already international. The “I” in ICMA stands for international.
It is true that ICMA has been internationally involved for decades. ICMA has been active in promoting good governance worldwide through grant-funded technical assistance in dozens of countries for more than 50 years. We continue to be active internationally through our global technical assistance programs. Outside of grants and contracts, ICMA engages with nearly 40 international local government and professional organizations and continues to provide scholarship and fellowship opportunities for international bilateral exchanges.
ICMA also has a regional presence in Europe through ICMA Europe and in Mexico through ICMA-Mexico/Latin America. Nonetheless, ICMA remains a predominantly U.S.-centric organization with products and services mainly targeted at a U.S. audience. That is what we intend to change through the Global Engagement Strategy. We will continue to implement programs funded by different donors around the world, but will also focus our efforts on making ICMA’s content more globally relevant as well as expanding our global network of like-minded organizations.
What’s the difference between international and global? Why isn’t it the “international engagement strategy?”
ICMA considered several organizational operating models with our subject matter expert on global association growth, Factum Global. An international model assumes the United States is separate from other countries and that we want to export our U.S.-centric products to an international audience. The global model allows us to be more inclusive as it encompasses the United States and acknowledges that best practices can come from anywhere at any time.
Will the global operating model mean we are creating mini-ICMAs all over the world?
The global operating model is the framework to achieve the goals of the Global Engagement Strategy and realize our vision to be the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world. The model will help us achieve efficiencies and allow us to enhance the experience of each and every one of our members. Decisions under this model will continue to be guided by the ICMA CEO/Executive Director and his senior leadership team. ICMA will explore the market for ICMA products and services in different countries but the creation of ICMA branches or chapters around the world will be carefully considered. Any ICMA branded organization will be subject to guidelines and requirements.
How will relationships with affiliates change?
ICMA staff have developed a new relationship model that provides different categories that help better define the relationship of organizations with ICMA. These include strategic alliances, partnerships, sponsorships, branches, and chapters. In 2024, ICMA staff will be working with each of the current organizations designated as an affiliate organization, and any new ones interested in a relationship with ICMA, to determine the appropriate category in the revised relationship model. Through official relationship agreements, ICMA will work with each interested local government organization around the world to create a mutually beneficial program of activities.
The relationship model is expected to encompass domestic affiliates. Global Engagement staff members will work with the ICMA staff in charge of managing those relationships to determine the best way forward to ensure the model fits all of ICMA’s relationships.
Membership and Member Services
Members pay dues to receive valuable programs, products, and services. Will they be changing as ICMA implements the Global Engagement Strategy?
ICMA members can continue to expect the same quality programs, products, and services that they have been receiving. While ICMA will be creating or updating some of its programs, products, and services to integrate a global perspective, we are committed to ensuring that ICMA provides content that is relevant to members. You will notice more global content in PM magazine, blogs, webinars, and podcasts, providing tools and methodologies that will help all members better manage their communities. The annual conference will feature sessions with global perspectives, allowing local government professionals across borders to share their common experiences.
Will ICMA members be able to provide input into the execution of the strategy and be informed of progress?
The global journey will be a transparent and inclusive process. Progress updates will be provided as milestones are reached and members will be able to provide input where appropriate.
Will the Global Engagement Strategy change the ICMA membership structure?
ICMA will focus first on the development and marketing of products to local government leaders and staff around the world. ICMA is working on developing programs, products, and services that are relevant to all local government professionals around the world. As we enter new markets and better understand the value proposition of ICMA in each market, it is possible that we will need to take a look at our current membership structures. It is still too early to consider any changes, but we will be gathering information and input over the next few years to help inform any proposed changes that we would make. These changes would be vetted with the membership and would involve opportunities for feedback.
Will the Global Engagement Strategy affect ICMA’s Code of Ethics?
The ICMA Code of Ethics has been in place since 1924 and has been revised many times since then. While there are no plans to make changes to the ICMA Code of Ethics in the immediate future, ICMA may consider changes as implementation of the Global Engagement Strategy progresses. ICMA understands that the Code is a hallmark of the profession. Should there be any discussion around changing the ICMA Code of Ethics to adapt to a more global membership, members will be convened to provide input. ICMA is not alone in promoting ethics. The professional associations in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Denmark—to name a few—have all developed codes to guide their members and other dedicated public servants in related professions. Promoting ethics and transparency are of key interest to many local governments around the world and we will encourage them to look to ICMA for guidance.
ICMA Communications Channels
How will the Global Engagement Strategy change content on ICMA’s marketing and communications channels?
ICMA will work to make sure that its content is globally relevant. This may include featuring content from organizations around the world that have a relationship with ICMA, highlighting events from different country-based programs, and providing information on different local government structures around the world and ways that global local governments are tackling the challenges of governing in a complex world. It is ICMA’s goal to provide content from around the world to showcase innovative practices in local government that can be widely applied.
How does ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy benefit sponsors or strategic partners?
With an increased presence around the world, ICMA can introduce products and services on the global stage. As ICMA’s brand awareness and membership grow, our sponsors and strategic partners will have a bigger and broader reach. In addition to engagement on a particular product or service, a company or organization can create thought leadership by bringing expertise to a global audience. While forms of government may be different around the world, many problems facing the local communities are the same and organizations with global reach can provide solutions to these problems.
What are some tips for sponsors or strategic partners when engaging with a global audience?
When communicating the value of a product for a global audience, avoid U.S.-specific cultural references, jargon, and abbreviations. Make sure potential customers know how to reach the sponsors and strategic partners. It is important to include country codes in the phone numbers and make sure it is not an 800-number, as those numbers are U.S.-specific. Avoid referencing seasons as those are at different times of the year around the world.
How will ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy change its governance structure?
The ICMA Executive Board appointed an 18-member Governance Task Force in June 2023 to review the current governance structure and related processes as part of achieving ICMA’s goal of being an effective, diverse, inclusive, and global organization. The task force began its work in August 2023 and is assisted by ICMA staff and ICMA’s subject matter expert, Factum Global. While we do not yet know the outcome of the task force discussions, all options are under consideration. Task force recommendations will set ICMA up for future success and growth in alignment with the other goals of ICMA’s Global Engagement Strategy and the overall Envision ICMA strategic plan. The recommendations will be reviewed by the board and staff will then determine the implementation process.
Will the membership be informed of the work of the task force and be able to provide feedback?
The task force will provide regular updates to the membership throughout the process. There may be opportunities to participate through surveys and focus groups, as well as at state association meetings or ICMA events that occur throughout the time that the task force is active. Members are encouraged to reach out to task force members, regional directors, or regional vice presidents with questions, or can send a message to governancetaskforce@icma.org
Have a question that was not answered on this page? Contact us at global@icma.org for more information.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!