The City of Fort Lauderdale envisions roadways that safely move people, rather than just vehicles. The City Commission recently adopted a Complete Streets Policy aimed at transforming existing streets into transportation infrastructure for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit and vehicles.
The Complete Streets initiative is a tool that will help the City implement the vision of the community through the Fast Forward Fort Lauderdale 2035 Vision to have a Connected Community.
The city has developed a Complete Streets Manual to serve as a guideline for improving existing streets. Enhancement opportunities include:
- Increasing tree canopy to provide shade and comfort for pedestrians;
- On-street parking to support local businesses;
- Narrowing of traffic lanes and installation of traffic-calming devices to slow vehicular traffic;
- Bicycle lanes and accommodations to promote safety and provide convenience; and,
- Improved crosswalks to improve pedestrian safety.
Safety measures for pedestrians and bicyclists also serve to protect motorists by reducing jaywalking and providing predictable places for pedestrians and bicyclists to interact with motorists.
The City is encouraging new development projects that include pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation accommodations. Ensuring proper multimodal connections to new developments helps reduce the number of vehicles on the street, reducing congestion and the environmental impacts of vehicular congestion.
Several Complete Street conceptual design projects are already underway. The Fort Lauderdale Multimodal Connectivity Program, to be completed this fall, will identify the strategies needed to create Complete Streets.
The adoption of the Complete Streets Policy signals a commitment that Fort Lauderdale aims to be a leader in the creation of a connected, multimodal network of streets for its neighbors.
For more information, please contact Matt Little (Public Information Specialist) at (954) 828-4732 or mlittle@fortlauderdale.gov
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