We are excited to introduce the new ICMA blog. Our goal with ICMA blog is to provide followers with new resources and insights on what’s happening in local government on a daily basis, and to have it all in one easy-to-find place so you won’t miss it!

As of today, the new blog is available here.

Our other blogs are not going away. We have consolidated the following blogs into the ICMA blog


  1. 2016 ICMA Annual Conference Blog
  2. #localgov Technology Alliance
  3. Write About Now
  4. 311/CRM Systems
  5. International Dispatches
  6. Center for Management Strategies
  7. Brownfields 2015
  8. #ICMANextGen
  9. Local Government Management Fellowship
  10. Public Safety
  11. In the Know
  12. Sustainable Communities

If you are a subscriber of any of the listed blogs, simply subscribe to the ICMA blog to continue to receive updates.

The new ICMA blog will be the home of posts from ICMA staff and invited thought leaders in local government. We hope that you find the new ICMA blog easy to use and informative. 



New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!