Ballots for the election of ICMA Regional Vice Presidents and for an amendment to Tenet 4 of the ICMA Code of Ethics will be available to Corporate Members online on May 24, 2018. The ballot will come from the ballot vendor with an email address of: Be sure to add this email address to your safe-senders list.
Ballots will be mailed to Corporate Members without email addresses on file at ICMA. The ballot will close and completed paper ballots must be received by June 27. Ballots will be canvassed at ICMA on June 29 and election results will be published online the same day and in Leadership Matters on July 3. The new officers will be installed at the 2018 ICMA Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
The regional nominating committees met recently to select the following nominees for ICMA Regional Vice Presidents. No other candidates chose to run by petition.
Vice Presidential Nominees
International: Sue Bidrose, chief executive officer, Dunedin City Council, New Zealand
Midwest: Clint P. Gridley, city administrator, Woodbury, Minnesota
Mountain Plains: Michael S. Land, city manager, Coppell, Texas
Northeast: Christopher T. Coleman, assistant town manager, Needham, Massachusetts
Southeast: Laura A. Fitzpatrick, deputy city manager, Chesapeake, Virginia
West Coast: Edward K. Shikada, assistant city manager, Palo Alto, California
All states with signed affiliation agreements with ICMA were invited to appoint a representative to the regional nominating committee in their region. The Local Government Hispanic Network, National Association of County Administrators, and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators were also invited to appoint a member from the region to each regional nominating committee.
The U.S. candidates were interviewed at each region’s 2018 regional conference this spring. The international regional nominating committee met by conference call in April. The committees were faced with difficult choices since there were excellent candidates to consider. They believe the persons nominated have outstanding qualifications to lead ICMA.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!