Congratulations to Pam Caskie, planning director, Sevierville, Tennessee, who was the first ICMA member to submit the correct answer to the July ICMA 100th Anniversary Trivia Quiz!
For her effort, Pam won an ICMA blue polo shirt cobranded with the 100th anniversary and Life, Well Run logos. This anniversary item is available for purchase in limited supply through the ICMA Store.
The August quiz question tests your knowledge of ICMA HQ locations:
In what year did ICMA move into its current, permanent location in Washington, D.C. (hint: it was in the previous millennium), and prior to opening the doors of its first, full-fledged D.C. office (not a branch) in D.C. in 1967, where was ICMA located?
The first member to respond with the correct answer wins another “anniversary fun pack” containing these ICMA-100th-branded premium items: the swivel key chain, business-card holder, and ceramic mug.
You can find the answer to this month’s anniversary trivia quiz question among the entries in the ICMA anniversary timeline located at the top of the anniversary website at icma.org/anniversary. Click on any of the decades to enter.
While you’re on the anniversary website, check out “The ICMA Experience,” a collection of stories and reminisces about the organization and the profession, as told through the words of your colleagues and friends. Then upload your own story directly, or submit it to Amy Mayers at amayers@icma.org. Help us reach our goal of having at least 100 stories or other media posted by the time we arrive at the annual conference in Charlotte in September! And remember, if your story or media receives the most “likes,” you will win an iPad Air™, to be awarded at the ICMA 100th Anniversary Conference in Charlotte, N.C., September 14-17.
To submit your response to this month’s historical trivia quiz, send an email to: anniversary@icma.org. Responses to the August 2014 question must be submitted no later than August 29. To be eligible to win, you must be an ICMA member and cannot have won the quiz in the past six months.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!