By 2050 more than 20 percent of the world's population will be age 60 or older. Because of that, many cities, towns and communities across the globe are already working to address the needs of their older residents and prepare for future generations.

AARP International looked at efforts in the United States and worldwide to identify projects and programs that are worth sharing and, when possible, replicating.The 2015 Age-Friendly: Inspiring Communities Report presents a collection of age-friendly "good practices."

The 16 communities featured in the report are working toward becoming more age-friendly, either as a member of the U.S.-basedAARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities or the World Health Organization Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities — or both.

The report is organized according to which of the World Health Organization’s "8 Domains of Age-Friendliness" (referred to in the U.S. as the "8 Domains of Livability") the work most represents. However, since the efforts underway in each community touch upon needs in multiple domains, the authors identify those sub-domains as well. Individually and together, the case studies show the inspiring work now underway to meet the needs of older adults. Creating great places for people of all ages enables older residents to participate in community life.
For more information on AARP's Livable Communities resources, visit

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