Today’s post recognizes the 3 most active users on the Knowledge Network. 

The Knowledge Network is the online community for local government professionals, and these users have consistently been active contributors to that community.  This list was formed from ranking the users’ total engagements (i.e., questions asked, questions answered, blogs posted, blog posts commented, documents submitted, and articles commented).

We owe a special thanks to those of you who make the time to share your expertise, experiences, and suggestions with your colleagues on the Knowledge Network. We all appreciate that the Knowledge Network is a rich resource because of your participation.


Leslie Beauregard

Title: Assistant City Manager

Municipality: Charlottesville, Virginia

Knowledge Network Highlight: Leslie has created multiple engagement opportunities by posting intriguing questions on the Knowledge Network. On August 12, 2015 Leslie was promoted to assistant city manager and used the question feature to reach out to her peers for advice. Read the Question & Answers Here


Mark Abeles-Allison

Title: County Administrator

Municipality: Bayfield County, Wisconsin

Knowledge Network Highlight: Mark has been a dedicated community participant, answering a total of 86 questions. He provides questioners with answers using his own local government experience and out-of-the-box thinking. A great example of this is when an ICMA member asked about pedestrian bridge construction, and Mark shared a very creative response. Read Mark’s Answer Here


Matthew (Matt) R. Lawless

Title: Town Manager

Municipality: Boones Mill, Virginia

Knowledge Network Highlight: Matt is a long-time participant in the Knowledge Network.  In 2008 Matt submitted the Administrative Guidelines for Public Participation Plans (an organizational policy document) from Albermarle County, Virginia.  This document is as valuable today as it was when Matt first submitted it. It shows how Albermarle County was able to take a systematic approach to determining the appropriate level of public participation, if any, for a county project—with the ultimate goal of engaging citizens in meaningful ways. Download the Policy Here


Check out the top 5 most read articles from PM Online.

  In the Know CTA

How will you participate in the Knowledge Network in 2016? Share your participation resolutions below. Better yet, just do it!


Douglas Shontz

Knowledge Network Research and Content Development Association

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!